
Joined Jul 15, 2018

Owen#Schumpeter#Kondratjew# Unchain#RangEins#

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2390d · Capitalism
parents that want to creat 'smart' kids, just are feared, their kids get the same loosers they are.
2390d · Capitalism
You can not learn emotional intelligence in pre kindergarten. its the mother teaching you.
2390d · Capitalism
@ex-cre-ment woman should as well be able to self realisation. but not to the cost of their kids. i see mothers give their kidds to pre kindergarten, just to have more money, to spent.
2390d · Capitalism
@ex-cre-ment if you create something that fomo people to take part. cause they want status, bonification, free education (could be)....meanwhile that thing you created is a monster, goodwise.
2390d · Capitalism
woman are unhappy if they dont get a child bevor 40. Its not the labor that gives them happyness. A woman want to 'take care ' off and be a mother. Thats the biological DNA Setup.
2390d · Capitalism
@ex-cre-ment the only way to somehow control human greed is, by using its power against it. A trojan. so people will act, more ethically then bevore, without even realising they do.
2391d · Capitalism
it is teaching and educating. yes. help them understand. some of the best hedge fonds managers dont know what they do. they just dont know it better.
2391d · Capitalism
@lightrider you live in a society, like it or not. humans are not free of errors, no one. change the way of your perpective, otherwise you will go mad.
2391d · Capitalism
@ex-cre-ment concentration is needed and always the result of a consenus. The missuse of power is the problem to be precise. The stakeholder theorie was never developed fully
2391d · Capitalism
capitalists drive the world by innovation. As schumpeter stated, the problem of high developed capitalism is the concentration of power. you can not solved that by socialism nor libertarian
2391d · Capitalism
the devices are the network. no provider. each device a node in blockchain earning...
2391d · Capitalism
so to conclude, you think that btc/blockchain will change capitalism by the way people control their ownership. That will lead to more privacy.
2391d · Capitalism
blockmesh is working on a offchain solution
2391d · Capitalism
absolutely. but to control a property, one first have to be able to purchase.
2391d · Capitalism
ok i see we have a diffrent perpective on btc. Your main goal is the ownership, like it is been safe, resistant etc...
2391d · Capitalism
the regulations can be made onchain
2391d · Capitalism
Could it be anything else then a 'bank' ?
2391d · Capitalism
@ex·cre·ment. Do you think, that banks will transform to a service provider, offering safeguarding?
2391d · Capitalism
what are 'real' values to you and who can aquire them?
Sk8eM dUb
2391d · Capitalism
Bitcoin is no different than USD or Zimbabwe dollars - other than it moves better and has a fixed supply. "Real" value is the things people want/need, not the medium to acquire it.
2391d · Capitalism
btc changes capitalsim cause every one can act as investor, worldwide. That was a priviledge to the 5%
2391d · Capitalism
btc is no property. its cash. you use it to buy property. the diffrence to fiat is, ther are no regulations.
2391d · Capitalism
Topic: Capitalism Medium: Memo.cash Technik: Blockchain. How does blockchain, btc or digitalcash change capitalism? My bet; private ownership will become mainstream, solving the 'trust-issue
followed 2391d
2391d · Capitalism
That is, as I understand it, part of Georgist philosophy, only that there is some extra care taken to the dividing and market value/rent on it. (not rent seeking).