Joined Mar 26, 2021

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1413d · hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)
#hmwyda wishlist

Je suis venu en France du Mali, vivre ici en tant qu'immigrant noir est difficile. Je déteste toutes les entreprises et personnes qui commettent ou soutiennent le racisme. Il est injuste d'être humilié ou de vivre dans de mauvaises conditions simplement parce que nous sommes différents. Je ne sais pas si cette liste aura un certain impact, mais j'espère que oui.
I came to France from Mali, living here as black immigrant is hard. I hate all companies and people who commit or support racism. It is unfair to be humiliated or to live in bad conditions just because we are different. I don't know if this list will have some impact but hopefully yes.

1.1 Sebastian Coltescu est un arbitre de football raciste
1.1 Sebastian Coltescu is a racist soccer referee 20%
1.1 https://twitter.com/sebicoltescu
1.1 About: https://www.ouest-france.fr/sport/football/ligue-des-champions/psg-basaksehir-l-arbitre-accuse-de-propos-racist...
1413d · hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)
#hmwyda wishlist

Je suis venu en France du Mali, vivre ici en tant qu'immigrant noir est difficile. Je déteste toutes les entreprises et personnes qui commettent ou soutiennent le racisme. Il est injuste d'être humilié ou de vivre dans de mauvaises conditions simplement parce que nous sommes différents. Je ne sais pas si cette liste aura un certain impact, mais j'espère que oui.
I came to France from Mali, living here as black immigrant is hard. I hate all companies and people who commit or support racism. It is unfair to be humiliated or to live in bad conditions just because we are different. I don't know if this list will have some impact but hopefully yes.

1.1 Sebastian Coltescu est un arbitre de football raciste
1.1 Sebastian Coltescu is a racist soccer referee 20%
1.1 https://twitter.com/sebicoltescu
1.1 About: https://www.ouest-france.fr/sport/football/ligue-des-champions/psg-basaksehir-l-arbitre-accuse-de-propos-racist...
replied 1413d
I don't have more funds to post the entire message, you can send me a little bit?
replied 1413d
I didn't know that i could not use translator, I have done that to save time.
1413d · hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)
The twitter link broke the sign and I don't have more funds to post another :(. I can pay with my own money for some items of the list. Text me if someone is interested
replied 1413d
I'm not a cheater, I have follow the rules. The twitter link broke my sign :(
1413d · hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)
I had not seen this rule and saw that most of the lists were all in english. I updated it now. Sorry if I didn't follow any one of the rules I'm reading them all.
1413d · hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)
#hmwyda wishlist

Je suis venu en France du Mali, vivre ici en tant qu'immigrant noir est difficile. Je déteste toutes les entreprises et personnes qui commettent ou soutiennent le racisme. Il est injuste d'être humilié ou de vivre dans de mauvaises conditions simplement parce que nous sommes différents. Je ne sais pas si cette liste aura un certain impact, mais j'espère que oui.
I came to France from Mali, living here as black immigrant is hard. I hate all companies and people who commit or support racism. It is unfair to be humiliated or to live in bad conditions just because we are different. I don't know if this list will have some impact but hopefully yes.

1.1 Sebastian Coltescu est un arbitre de football raciste
1.1 Sebastian Coltescu is a racist soccer referee 20%
1.1 https://twitter.com/sebicoltescu
1.1 About: https://www.ouest-france.fr/sport/football/ligue-des-champions/psg-basaksehir-l-arbitre-accuse-de-propos-racist...
replied 1413d
sorry i don't know what do you mean by cheater, I have made this list following the rules that I read. You can explain me better so I can change the list to follow the rules? Thanks!
replied 1413d
sorry I had not seen this rule and I saw that most of the lists were in english only
what do you mean by cheater?
1413d · hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)
#hmwyda wishlist

I came to France from Mali, living here as black immigrant is hard. I hate all companies and people who commit or support racism. It is unfair to be humiliated or to live in bad conditions just because we are different. I don't know if this list will have some impact but hopefully yes.

1.1 Sebastian Coltescu is a racist soccer referee 20%
1.1 https://twitter.com/sebicoltescu
1.1 About: https://www.ouest-france.fr/sport/football/ligue-des-champions/psg-basaksehir-l-arbitre-accuse-de-propos-racistes-suspendu-jusqu-a-la-fin-de-saison-par-l-uefa-7179239

1.2 Laurent Blanc try to create a quota to reduce black players on the team 20%
1.2 https://twitter.com/blanclaurent
1.2 https://www.instagram.com/laurentblancoff
1.2 About: https://www.france24.com/fr/20110501-france-football-selectionneur-laurent-blanc-excuses-propos-quotas-discriminatoires-fff-races-raciale-mediapart-enquete

1.3 Geoffroy Lejeune is the chief editor of ...
1413d · hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)
I want to post my list but I don't have any funds. Can someone send me a little bit?