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saved 1233d
This entire thread is based on your post wishing to use govt force, i.e. men with guns, to steal from people on the pretext of "helping" others. And you whine about me being "mean" while confronting you on your criminal positions? Grow up, try a mirror.
saved 1233d
Good. Willfully choose ignorance out of cowardice, pussy. That's on you, and further makes you a pathetic communist useful idiot.
saved 1233d
Again you rely on social proof. Evidence of your inability to think independently and proof positive of your communist tendency. I highly doubt your claim, but don't doubt that you believe it to be true. You are a slaver. Own it.
saved 1233d
So you prefer ignorance. That is how communists rule. So don't claim to read anything while simultaneously admitting lack of desire to read. Doubt now your communist indoctrination training, for that is what it was.
saved 1233d
Are you lazy or just willfully ignorant? Why take my word for it that it's relevant? Why not find out for yourself? You did learn how to acquire and process information for yourself during your degree, didn't you?
saved 1233d
Which means you can't think for yourself, without being told what to think. Read and think. Or don't. Your choice. But don't call yourself educated if you refuse to consume information on your own and derive your own opinions.
saved 1233d
Educate yourself and find out, comrade. Or willfully choose ignorance. Why did your professors ignore Henry George? Why have you never heard of him until tonight? Why are you afraid to read his words?
saved 1233d
Do you lack the mental capacity to understand that inflation is the greatest grift ever invented? No, you don't. You know it. And you promote it. You are a slaver. You are a commie. Or... you are stupid.
saved 1233d
To become educated. That is why you should read Henry George. Do you not wish to be "educated"? Do you not seek truth above indoctrination? Quit being a baby. Quit being a slaver.
saved 1233d
Finally, the communist reveals his self-truth, reluctantly. But "not indoctrinated". Nope. You are a slaver, just like Marx was and is. Own it.
saved 1233d
You haven't read Henry George. You have no idea what I'm referring to. You repeat that which you have been told without questioning it. You are communist and either fail to realize or refuse to acknowledge. GTFO slaver. Slavery is immoral. Period.
saved 1233d
Though debt slavery is a real thing, it doesn't mean the answer is communistic "free" education aka indoctrination. If we cooperate and think bigger, it is that which Henry George correctly identifies in "Progress and Poverty". Read it, if you seek truth.
saved 1233d
Those of us who understand the difference will never make that mistake. However, your assessment is correct for the masses.

Gustave le Bon's "The Crowd; Study of the Popular Mind" is a great read. The principles therein may be used for balancing purposes
saved 1234d
No, it means slave system. Your doctrine has taught you other words, but you can't grock what it really is. That's on you. Your need for social proof demonstrates your lack of independent thought. Stop being a pussy.
saved 1234d
Nice try. I have a degree in economics. Non-Marxist... ish. Keynsian economics is close to it though. I don't watch any tv news, because I know what it all is, two wings of the same bird. You haven't yet figured that out, by your own words, comrade.
saved 1234d
Do you? Centralized health has been tried in many places from plantations to Nazi Germany to Soviet Russia to modern China to North Korea. Slavers run their veterinarian system for their human farm. And you are for that. You are a commie. You are a slaver.
saved 1234d
Two years ago? And you come out spouting off about universal (centralized) health, universal (centralized) education, universal (centralized) sustenance i.e. total dependence on the state? Nooooo, no no no. You weren't indoctrinated at all. Not at all.
saved 1234d
By empowering a massive government bureaucracy to grift from the people, indoctrinate students instead of help them be their best selves, and ignore the fact that a library card can provide a far better "education" than any university can.

That's how.
saved 1234d
Agreed on 13th, the feds are basically commie but haven't convinced the masses to go full commie yet. Much of the last 12-120 months (or more) have been to that purpose though.

Welfare is not a societal necessity. Read Henry George? Of course you haven't.
saved 1234d
Yes, you are. Those things are communist and you want them. China uses slave labor... because they are commies. And communism is a slave system.

Eradicating all things welfare is how "we" compete. Or, "we" embrace slavery openly again and go full commie
saved 1234d
These organized criminals feel so comfortable that they blatantly discuss their intentions to rob and enslave everyone.

Those are fighting words if ever there were.
saved 1234d
saved 1234d
I used to think there are two major categories of people: producers and plunderers.

Now I must admit a third exists, which may blend into both of the above to some degree (more heavily the latter, but not always).

The third: complainers.

Just build.
saved 1234d
If it ain't broke...
saved 1234d
Nice yolks