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saved 1090d
This conversation is a daily ritual on twetch by now. Could be the cognitive dissonance manifesting, that @24 eloquently described in his coingeek interview.
saved 1090d
saved 1090d
But If I say no, and refuse to cooperate or voluntarily give what they demand, and use force to take it anyway, then are they not violating that which is exclusive to me? My body and my life's energy?

If 51% of my neighbors are convinced, is it then good?
saved 1090d
what I have used my life, my time and energy to create, then are they trying to assert that they have the right to administer my life and time? Yes, they are.

They may use all sorts of arguments to convince the masses that what they do is good.
saved 1090d
Great question. The answer is philosophical. If my body is my property, meaning I alone can use and administer it, then so is my life. My life being my time and energy. If a small group of people decide to send armed thugs to my door, demanding 50% of
saved 1090d
Then they accept their enslavement, whether fooled into it or forced into it.
saved 1090d
Slaves have no property, not even their bodies. What reveals communism as a slave system is that a central tenet is the elimination of property rights for the people. If people don't believe they have exclusive right to use and administer their own bodies
saved 1090d
"Property" is just a word. It means exclusive access to use and administer a thing. One's body, for example, is (or should be) their property. One has exclusive right to use and administer their own body.

It's a philosophical thing.
saved 1090d
The problem is who wants to micromanage like that? Slavers do. Slavers want to maximize value extracted from their herd of domesticated farm humans and minimize the cost of doing so. Convincing their herd that "property" is bad has worked a few times.
saved 1090d
saved 1090d
This is exactly why Common Law is so interesting to me, being more organic and "bottom up" form of law as opposed to the top-down Roman Civil Law.

Coincidence that the Civil War in the US was when DC started to dominate with top-down legislation?
saved 1090d
Two sides to every coin. Hard sell right now, I imagine. Even at the small town scale, there are people with things to hide and would not be in favor. Potentially exposing some gov functions as for-profit could be a challenge. But no trust otherwise.
saved 1090d
Ignoring DC and viewing their corruption as illegitimate and lacking any authority or jurisdiction seems like the best option to me at this point. We don't need them. They need us. DC is run by the monopoly that controls the currency. My town much less so.
saved 1090d
What economic benefit would there be to a county recorder's office that recorded on the blockchain? What benefit would there be to county business folk to easily read records from the chain?

How about budgets, spending and revenues?

How about votes?
saved 1090d
Look at the components of the swamp though... dissect it. In the US, the swampiest of the swamp is geographically located in DC. But "the state" exists in every town across America, operated by locals who all know each other. Build tools for them first.
saved 1090d
Yeah I agree, they wouldn't deliberately self-sabotage an existing monopoly they control. I see it more as them reacting to external threats to the monopoly and scheming how to capture anything that takes root in the fertile fields of human interactions.
saved 1090d
My personal hope is that courts will begin to operate on the network, using tools built on and that use data stored within the network. Or perhaps that tools will be built on bitcoin that are more competitive substitutes for current court service offerings
saved 1090d
Right, as long as there is genuine competition among miners. Money supply monopolists have been doing their thing for centuries, arguably millennia. Assume BSV grows to the point of mass adoption. Think those monopolists won't scheme 100% miner capture?
saved 1090d
Someone needs to look up the definition of the word "property". It is a word and is useful as a word in communication because it represents an observable phenomena that occurs in nature. "Property" exists everywhere sentient beings exist. It must.
saved 1090d
But bitcoin could be highly centralized as well. Two sides to every coin.
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saved 1091d
Amazing how many accounts are so eager for twetch3 in spite of no posts for months 😏
saved 1092d
Is widespread lack of understanding (aka ignorance) of natural lawr the root cause of the widespread global problems?
saved 1092d
Pxl-70m soon