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saved 1056d
Is a trial merely theater, particularly when communist bedfellows have thoroughly infiltrated all sides and roles?
saved 1056d
hosers are sad little commie posers
saved 1056d
It's just another flavor of "divide and conquer", "divide and rule". The only task is to continue speaking truth and provoking the natural gift of reason, which all men possess.
saved 1057d
Ah. Just drunk or high.
saved 1057d
Interesting. Do you feel good about saving people as part of your job? Must be pretty rewarding.
saved 1057d
Maybe he just doesn't bite the hand that feeds him, being a government employee.
saved 1058d
Faces in the tree bark. Very cool.
saved 1060d
How can one verify that contact tracing is not just happening anyway? People roam with wifi, gps and data service on all the time.

The data is collected regardless.
saved 1061d
saved 1063d
The ironic thing is that "are you vaxxed" is much closer to the new "sig heil".
saved 1064d
Increasing growth of absurd propositions is a sign of totalitarians knowing that they are failing
saved 1064d
No, but one can not deny that some believe God granted them dominion over all other things on earth, including other people. As long as some hold that supremacist belief in their hearts, slavery will be pursued as a birthright granted by God.
saved 1065d
So would that imply that Deep Church and Deep State have almost entirely embraced and given in to carnal desires, aka darkness? And that is what makes them who they are, as well as attracts them to each other to operate in organized fashion? Vader metaphor
saved 1066d
Light vs dark is embedded in metaphor everywhere for a reason, I suppose. The dualistic nature of man and our eternal internal battle manifests above, as below.
saved 1066d
Like Opus Dei is depicted in "The DaVinci Code"? Perhaps the Jesuits... lots of accusations on the web about them. Is there a white hat group in opposition to Deep Church, like Q supposedly is vs Deep State?
saved 1067d
yep 👇
saved 1067d
Haha! True. They could be taught, by virtuous institutions. Instead, they are led astray into the dark, or left in the dark, by institutions controlled by darkness which profit from darkness in the minds of the many.

Is it shameful to contribute to that?
saved 1067d
At least until they figure out the fraud and make claim against it for remedy. Then supposedly, maxim of law kicks in again and a prejudicial decision is easy (as in pre-judge or pre-court).

Doesn't seem to play out so easily though.
saved 1067d
My understanding is that the key difference is that Civil abides the maxim of law that "he who would be deceived, let him". Therefore, anyone who isn't smart enough or diligent enough to figure how they are being scammed is up Schitt's Creek.
saved 1067d
Better hurry
saved 1067d
Absolutely. No brainer use case. Ebay on bsv as well.
saved 1067d
Yep, great app for bsv. Definitely microtransaction territory.
saved 1067d
saved 1067d
Almost any tv "program" fits the bill of incremental steps toward a desired outcome, leveraging human instinct to mimic.

The 1976 movie "The Network" serves as revelation of the method. Many believe disclosure via fiction serves as legal notice. Does it?
saved 1067d
Interesting. Roman Civil law allows for such things, but I do not believe Common Law does. "Legal" vs "lawful"