Jim Phillips

Joined Apr 15, 2018

CEO at Oberon Group Latinoamerica, Inc (PTYcoin.com)
Cryptocurrency Veteran and ICO Advisor

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Jim Phillips
replied 2129d
The burden of proof is on the accuser. You have accused NASA of lying to the public. Prove it's a lie. Show us photographic evidence the lander isn't there.
voted Bitcoin - 100 million satoshis 2129d
created poll 2147d
Which is your preferred denomination?
Satoshis 12 votes · 2,228 satoshis
Bits - 1,000 satoshis 9 votes · 1,234 satoshis
Bitcoin - 100 million satoshis 11 votes · 7,777 satoshis
Microbitcoin (mBXX) - 1 million satoshis 2 votes · 0 satoshis


Jim Phillips
replied 2134d
Because nobody on earth has a telescope powerful enough to see a 15' wide object 385,000 km away.
set profile 2435d
CEO at Oberon Group Latinoamerica, Inc (PTYcoin.com)
Cryptocurrency Veteran and ICO Advisor
set name to Jim Phillips 2435d
2454d · memo
Don't have much free time these days but I haven't given up working on my memo app. There's some UI errors but those will be fixed:
followed 2453d
Jim Phillips
2498d · Marx
@snugg.. True communists want everyone to benefit equally. It's nice, but impractical. This vicious hatred of wealth and the wealthy is something far more sinister than simple communism.
Jim Phillips
2498d · Marx
@LightRider that's not capitalism. That's crony capitalism. Big difference. Abuse of government power is not free market. Communism is much closer to institutionalized slavery.
random liker
2499d · Marx
anyway, I've used up all my bch in this delightful conversation. So I guess capitalism wins this round
Jim Phillips
2499d · Marx
Of course, whether it's capitalism or socialism, it doesn't matter. The best of everything go to the elite. Best homes, schools, hospitals, roads, etc. All only accessible to the system's elite.
Jim Phillips
2499d · Marx
And if you had a private health care system and insurance, you would have paid roughly the same amount (when you consider your taxes are your insurance) and not had to wait at all.
Jim Phillips
2499d · Marx
Yes you do.. You just pay insurance in the form of taxes.
Jim Phillips
2499d · Marx
Did you know that if you put a 100% income tax on the "evil" 1%, you wouldn't get enough to pay for even one socialist program like health care?
Jim Phillips
2499d · Marx
BTW, the top military salaries put them in the so-called "1%" you people hate so much.
Jim Phillips
2499d · Marx
The military's top generals make hundreds of thousands a year and are virtually guaranteed high level positions when they join the private sector.
Jim Phillips
replied 2499d
random liker
You think the generals at the top haven't exploited the soldiers below them to get where they are? Money is not the only form of capital. Sometime's it's power or prestige.
Jim Phillips
replied 2499d
The naive are the ones who believe exploitation is anything other than a fact of life. Both socialism and capitalism exploit those who produce.
Jim Phillips
2499d · Marx
The factories in Russia and China didn't have capitalist masters. Instead the communist party leadership were the masters. Socialism doesn't eliminate masters. It just appoints them.
Jim Phillips
2499d · Marx
It might be *possible* for non-capitalist businesses to do what capitalists do, but it's not likely to happen.
Jim Phillips
replied 2499d
Which is exactly what you socialists want to do. You want to take money from those who have and give it to yourselves, making you richer at another's expense.
Jim Phillips
replied 2499d
Typical.. When your opponent cites an example you can't refute, rage quit. He didn't ask if Elon Musk deserved his wealth. He asked if you are stating that Elon Musk doesn't work.
Jim Phillips
replied 2499d
In collectivism, you have no freedom. You must comply with the will of the collective. Otherwise you are excised from the collective.
Jim Phillips
replied 2499d
Says the poor person who has no concept of what work really is. Just because it's not manual labor does not mean it's not work.
Jim Phillips
replied 2499d
Jim Phillips
This is the problem with collectivism. It can only work if all members of the collective are completely selfless. Otherwise chaos ensues as individuals think for themselves.