
Joined Feb 01, 2019

Crypto Perigrino

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Although, in his essay “Resistance To Civil Government” Henry David Thoreau posits “that government is best which governs least” and in his next sentence by extension embraces the anarchistic endpoint “that government is best which governs not at all,” it is his third statement, a practical plea “I ask for, not at once no gov­ern­ment, but at once a bet­ter gov­ern­ment” that brings Bitcoin Satoshi Vision into the discussion. The technological innovation of the immutable ledger provides the antidote to Thoreau's lament that as all governments mature they suffer an inevitable erosion of integrity. Not only does a write once read many blockchain put a lock on the Pandoran door to anarchy, it offers a homeostatic mechanism to automatically self restore government’s inevitable loss of integrity constraining the powers we yield to it to continuously refocus on its purpose, namely of protecting life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
replied 1973d
That simple, huh. Thanks. Why aren't they enabled by default?
replied 1973d
How do you post a larger Memo. The field I'm writing in had 217 charter limit.
Why can't I post larger than 217 charters. I thought MemoSV supported unlimited, or at least much bigger.
Craig, red socks you rocked in London - way better than dark ones in Japan, but Japan talk was better. SV's 'rounding into form'. Nice job! Can't wait for next one, but Grampa says, lose those drab socks next time👍
replied 1977d
Is Memo SV different than Memo?
replied 1977d
Where/how does one learn to post larger memos using SV?
set profile pic 1977d
set profile 1977d
Crypto Perigrino
replied 1977d
Can Memo use BCH and/or BSV?
Hello World
set name to BuenCamino 1977d