I'm not disputing that. That's not a good reason to eliminate prisons. The proper question seems to be - how do we collectively hire good/moral/fair/humane prison guards?
Sure is not the best reason to eliminate prisions, but prisions needs to be eliiminated.
The logic error is in thinking that a single abusive prison guard necessarily means that all prison guards are inherently bad. That's the same collectivist thinking as a racist.
Except this is like saying, that just because one virus is bad doesnt mean that all diseases are bad. Prisions system are bad, and prision guards are inheritly bad.
The logic error is in thinking that a single abusive prison guard necessarily means that all prison guards are inherently bad. That's the same collectivist thinking as a racist.
Memo needs an edit feature or at least I need one badly. Could it work by "overriding" the existing memo, sending a new memo with the existing posts ID and the site displays the most recent?