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saved 1227d
Yeah, I wasn't sure about it either. Just remember seeing it when looking for payment gateways.
saved 1227d
Right on. Ok ok, so what's the simplest way to turn other crypto into BSV? I'm thinking RelayX? Also, my customers would STILL have to use an exchange like Bittrex at some point. (if they only want to buy online).
saved 1227d
Would be cool if I could sell BSV in my online store just like the other products I sell. I saw a WordPress plug in that allows that for BTC and others but of course no BSV.
saved 1227d
Still...smart idea.
saved 1227d
Well, you're right but this really only works with cash sales. Right?
saved 1227d
I'm sure it's perfectly legal if it's voluntary. I haven't even heard of this with other crypto. Such a unique idea for getting people involved in crypto.
saved 1227d
That's cool in theory but trying to figure out how to make that work in practice. Especially with online payments. But what a great idea. Haven't heard that idea yet. I'm surprised a developer hasn't jumped on that yet.
saved 1227d
AnyPay works flawlessly but zero customization. I wanted to give customers a 10% discount for using BSV. Haven't heard of Showpay, will look into it. Thanks!
saved 1227d
I've considered giving customers a little bit of BSV for signing up with a wallet like Handcash. But they won't use the wallet if they can't easily buy BSV themselves. Also, HC not playing nice with RelayX or Electrum QR codes. Not sure why.
saved 1227d
Unfortunately I'm not well off enough to pay someone to build me something either. At that point I would probably just go with CoinPayments .net. They take .05% from every transaction and they're a fucking middleman but at least their system works.
saved 1227d
/20+++million Rant over. Fully capable of doing my own research. But fuck! Help a brother out from time to time. Rather than just peddling your fucking bullshit. Thread done.
saved 1227d
/9 Not to mention that it's $.30 for every $10 on Bittrex. So I charge $10 but give customer $1 for using BSV. Customer only saves $.70 if they're lucky. I know, it's about using the coin and spreading awareness but adoption will be slow like this.
saved 1227d
/8 I had this same problem with buybsv.com. Due to fuckery they can't sell to MI. So I have to send my customers to an exchange like Bittrex which is more confusing. I'm feeling like there is no future for BSV if it's this difficult. Early adoption pains?
saved 1227d
/7 Part of building community is helping a brother the fuck out, not leaving him at sea without a life jacket. I run a small bakery business, I sell products through my online store. My customers need simple. If it's complex they will just use cash/credit
saved 1227d
/6 I'm trying to be a part of the solution by actually using Bitcoin with my business, not just mooning and sooning and hodling. Isn't that what you people want too? And yet it's like talking to a fucking brick wall.
saved 1227d
/5 All I need is a fucking payment gateway so that I can sell my baked goods using BSV. I need something simple but I also want to be able to give customers a 10% discount for using it. AnyPay is not a solution. GoURL gateway is under maintenance.
saved 1227d
/4 Craig said the future of BSV isn't building and developing infrastructure. It's not noticing that the infrastructure is even there. The plumbing is there, it does its job, and it works.
saved 1227d
/3 Never gonna change the perception of BSV with that bullshit. Maybe try helping a brother out. And don't tell me to fucking build a gateway myself. How dumb are you to think that everyone has the luxury to bust out their keyboard and start coding?
saved 1227d
2/ You would think that people on here would care about being more helpful. But all they care about are their shit giveaways, their shit tokens, and their shitty fucking memes.
saved 1227d
I have asked time and again for help with online payment gateways for BSV. I've had a couple people help but not much. One guy told me to build something myself. Ex-FUCKING-scuse me? I'm a baker, not a developer. That's the most unhelpful thing you can say
saved 1227d
saved 1227d
@1208 Quality video mate:


Thanks for clearing some stuff up!
saved 1227d
I'm pretty sure Twetch GIFs are from 2002.
saved 1227d
BTC is a ponzi scheme...

There! I said it!
saved 1227d
I'm so triggered right now.