
Joined Apr 19, 2019

I just develop things. I dunno.

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Be sure to check out my new service https://plasmavpn.com! Currently in Beta, but will be releasing soon! Pay in BCH, BTC, ETH, or LTC!
Hey everyone! A user that recently signed up to https://tipbitcoin.cash is new to cryptocurrency!

Let's all go show them the beauty of peer-to-peer electronic cash!

Check out Collin Enstad's new video explaining https://tipbitcoin.cash!

BTC is only for the rich. If you're poor then you should "fuck off".

replied 1773d
Bitcoin was in the news well before 2017.
replied 1773d
The server it's hosted on only costs $5/mo
replied 1773d
This is what I'm thinking as well. Most people still laugh at BTC. However, people like money, so obviously quite a few will still FOMO in.
I've added an option to tipbitcoin.cash for streamers to set "min. donation" requirements for alerts to be shown. This is so streamers can prevent alert spam.

By default it is at $0.00 so all alerts are shown.
replied 1774d
No ads either. I don't care about making money. I just want to develop software and expand the BCH ecosystem.
Collin Enstad is LIVE on YouTube with tipbitcoin.cash integrated!

Tip here: https://tipbitcoin.cash/tip/collinenstad

Watch here:
I'm excited to announce https://tipbitcoin.cash is now available!

Accept Bitcoin Cash donations through Streamlabs for your Twitch livestreams!

Yay.. more taxes. This time I'm paying for the well-being of people who murder innocent people and children in other countries. If I don't then I'm thrown in a cage.

replied 1775d
I called out Samson one time, and he blocked me within 2 minutes of me tweeting calling him out on his bullshit lol
replied 1776d
They tried. Their account was immediately censored/restricted.
replied 1776d
Thank you so much! :O
replied 1776d
Well, hopefully Streamlabs gets back to me soon and approves the app! I'm super excited to launch this. :)
On top of the Bitcoin.com fundraiser, I've put together a list of BCH projects and organizations I think we should also donate BCH too: https://redd.it/c3yb8q
replied 1777d
It can only run on 64bit systems.
Hey everyone! I've been working on tipbitcoin.cash all morning. Now when initiating a tip, it displays a cash address rather than a legacy address. :)
replied 1777d
Thank you! :)
replied 1813d
(...) torch fail once it became too big, seeing the mob mentality ramping up and the cognitive dissonance became too much. So I wrote up https://pokkst.xyz/bch and said fuck it.
replied 1813d
(...) and then finding the time to use the LN and just realizing that holy shit, they've spent years on this and the UX is horrible (even for tech savvy people), seeing the LN (...)
replied 1813d
Back then it was a bit better, but then BTCers became more stupid. Matt Odell with his "stack sats, BTC pumps forever" mentality, Jimmy Song with his "use credit cards" BS. (...)
replied 1813d
heheh, remember when I was under the @duudl3 handle? :P