Violence is very natural. Hardly a mental deficiency. You keep saying all criminals have .dental deficiencies, which is objectively wrong. Your definition isn't the definition.
Natural is not the same as good, or healthy, or sane. How dare you suggest that all people with cavities are criminals!? /s
It doesn't really make it hard to participate in society. Mental deficiencies are not a choice. One reason to break the law is not caring about the law.
Do you think people are going to trade and interact equally with violent criminals as with peaceful people?
I make up nothing. Comparing criminality to mental illness is saying that the mentally ill are violent.
Yes I think murder and assault are mostly done by the same.
I'm arguing that violent criminals have mental issues. You are turning it around and trying to make it seem like I claim all people with mental issues are criminals. This is not cool.
If they out that in there, sure. Depends what you mean by stealing though. Please dont say taxation is theft as it is a failed argument built on false premises.
Look at the real world. Do you really need me to give you a lesson on constitutions? Judges shoot down laws that are unconstitutional. Judiciary over rules the government.
You are the one introducing the concept of a global constitutional government. Do you know what you mean by that or not?
That is not true at all. Actually most mentally I'll people are not violent. You really ate wrong to trust to define criminal behaviour as a mental illness.
I've never said that most mentally ill people are violent. Why are you making things up? Do you really think assaulting people at random is sane?
You can also commit crimes without a mental illness. You are trying to create a false equivalency that is quite nasty. You are trying to demonize the mentally ill.
In what way am I trying to demonize the mentally ill? If unprovoked aggression is not a sign of mental issues then the definition needs to change. What is your definition?
Yes, at least in how I would like to see it. Restricting governments from abusing their people. Freedom of movement to prevent nations like North Korea from enslaving their people
Would it restrict national governments from stealing from their people?
BTC Core devs admit they are working for the State "we work with various central banks to develop distributed fiat currency, which will be good from an interoperability perspective"
I did make it up. A global government should have the authority to hold nations to a constitution. Restricting the powers of national governments over their people.
So the global government could only act with force against national governments and not against individuals?
YouTube and Vineo do compete. War is irrelevant.
Sure, in that absurd example people can force slavery. That doesn't mean democracy equals slavery. You are really stretching.
What absurd example? Majority rule is majority rule, unless constrained by something else. It doesn't *always* result in slavery obviously.
You are confusing separate issues as one. The threat of punishment is to deter crime. A person does not need to be mentally I'll to commit a crime. Quit demonizing the mentally ill.
I'm not demonizing the mentally ill. I'm well aware that you can have mental problems without committing crimes.
You are confusing separate issues as one. The threat of punishment is to deter crime. A person does not need to be mentally I'll to commit a crime. Quit demonizing the mentally ill.
If you commit real crimes, like theft, assault, rape, murder, you have serious mental/behavioral issues. Whether all criminals qualify according to some DSM manual isn't that relevant.
Almost. The UN has no real enforcement ability though. They give a strongly worded letter to nations that break the rules. Also they dont give jurisdiction on international waters.
I think you have to make up your mind. Either one of the global government or the nation state needs to have final say.
You say enslaving when there is no enslavement. A competition requires A andBto be doing something against one another. It isn't competing if the actions of each are not related.
Majority rule (democracy) means enslavement if the majority says so. YouTube and Vimeo doesn't have to be at war to compete.
Which has nothing to do with mental illness. That is punishment.
It's punishment too, but one of the points (maybe the main point) of prison (or forced psychological care) is to remove people with irrational (insane), destructive behaviour from soc.
Making a bad choice is not a mental illness. The person can take part in society. I think you are using the term mental illness wrong. Evil is more often done by the sane.
Violent criminals are usually removed from society, for good reason.