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saved 1170d
Hello I have not been able to as I have a very bad connection and the pages do not load I hope this message is sent, thank you very much for always supporting me, my son is fine thank you very much for asking.
saved 1176d
I am still without internet, I could not reply to your message, thank you very much.
saved 1178d
Thank you very much, I have not had internet connection, there are many power failures where I live.
saved 1193d
saved 1194d
Thank you for your support 🙏
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saved 1194d
This is the budget and the medical bill of my son, these are the expenses paid and owed, in this I have spent all the BSV that I have donated, I still need to raise 2.265.861.430 Bolivares about $1170 approximately to pay the total of the surgery.
saved 1195d
/trolltroll set @6315 $1170
saved 1195d
I have used the money for my son and showed the medical bills, I don't understand your problem.
saved 1195d
You should really come to Venezuela, here that is normal.
saved 1195d
You are lucky, in Venezuela a hamburger costs $1, my monthly salary is $1.20 so I can't afford those luxuries.
saved 1195d
No matter your opinion you are obviously an egoist who doesn't think that everyone else is as well off as you are.
saved 1195d
Maybe you can open your mind a little when you come to Venezuela but evidently you don't know what it's like to live here.
saved 1195d
I don't know what your problem is, the medical bills are signed and sealed by the hospital, you don't know how Venezuela really is and that's why you speak without knowing, I invite you to come to Venezuela and see the reality with your own eyes
saved 1196d
No problem, thank you very much for asking, I always sell to the same people but they only give me Bolivars.
saved 1196d
Venezuela is difficult to explain why today flour is at 2,100,000 and tomorrow it can easily be more than 3,000,000 and so it happens with everything.
saved 1196d
They pay me the bsv per dollar for example the dollar is at 1.869.214 for $10 they give me 18.000.000 Bolivares exactly.
saved 1196d
I know I will get my son operated on and when that happens I will post a picture in one of your posts.
saved 1196d
The price in Bolivars is increasing due to the increase of the dollar, inflation is very high and prices are increasing daily.
saved 1196d
He gave me money for the surgery, I paid for it, at the hospital they did all kinds of tests on my son and even did a few washes to take him to surgery in the next few days, then they told me that the budget had not been enough and had been exhausted.
saved 1196d
you can't understand it because you do not live in Venezuela.
saved 1196d
Why do you insist on attacking me so much? I have always used the money for my son's surgery, I have given the proof if you don't want to help me that's fine but please don't attack me, with ED I explain what happened.
saved 1196d
Thank you very much for your support and understanding