
Joined May 20, 2018

Agronomist working to get Farm Products on the Block-chain

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2431d · Memes
In some places it's better not to question authority.
replied 2432d
Josh, you are becoming one of most prominent thought leaders in BCH community. Please do more of this stuff if you can!
replied 2433d
Love your passion for BCH, keep it up.
An interview I had with Ryan X. Charles about Bitcoin.
2431d · memo
Yesterday 106035-104639=1396 memo transactions. Number of transactions📈9.4%
2434d · Dream
One day soon the rotting smell permiating from AXA/Blockstream/Bcore will cease with BCH and other worthy coins grow based on their own merits. One bad apple shouldn't rot them all.
replied 2433d
Try Cointext to introduce your friends to BCH as well. I try to use both apps every day with customers and friends.
2433d · BCH Speculation
Just bought a bit more. Now about 90% BCH.
2435d · OpenBazaar Feedback?
I just bought a comic book on OpenBazaar2. Load times can be slow and I'm running into some dead links while browsing, but the purchase succeeded!
The handshake
Bruce Lee
voted in poll 2432d

Final friendly before world cup begins in 2 days JAPAN vs PARAGUAY 1) Place your bets as tips. (Max 1,000,000 sats) 2) [ IMPORTANT! ] Post a message along your vote (bet) Bet + Like => Get 1000 sats Enjoy!

Paraguay - 0.5 goals (2.50x)

2432d · earn bch
request payment in bch from your employer
replied 2433d
En Fri Mand
WebTerront is basically a BitTorrent — a battle-tested protocol with almost two decades of history. IPFS is mostly an overhyped proof of concept.
replied 2434d
replied 2434d
If you BET and LIKE, I am going to give back 1000 SATS.

BET + LIKE => GET 1000 SATS !!!!
replied 2439d
Working on it. 🛠️
2438d · memo
I'm happy to see we have ~1k interactions on memo each day. It means we have some regular members.
Bruce Lee
HandCash is the easiest BCH wallet I have ever used, I strongly recommend you guys to have a try. But currently there is only Android version.
Lefties claim unions kept middle-class wages high. So how do they explain stagnant public schoolteacher salaries compared to other professions?
2444d · BCH adoption
Check out http://map.therealbitcoin.club we on-boarded 37 merchants until now, you can eat, drink, party and sleep all paid with bitcoin cash in Barcelona.
2440d · memo
Would be cool if we could add a tip with a reply. Is that something that is possible?
2444d · Bitcoin Cash
Agnes Water Queensland/Australia
replied 2446d
official blockchain expert
Here's a guide with more details :)

Reina Nakamoto
Memo is slick now. Such impress! Very mobile.
Corbin and I did another weekly Bitcoin roundup video where we call out Samson, the SEC, and USDOJ for their hypocrisy. We hope you enjoy it: