
Joined Apr 19, 2018

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2305d · Bitcoin Cash
While everyone wants instant gratification from the hashwar SV will bleed ABC out...they cannot sustain this hash forever. Meanwhile SV keeps building organic support waiting to strike....
Bitcoin Faucet
What you are essentialy witnessing is the takeover of Bitcoin Cash by Blockstream via Jihan Bitmain.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2307d
ABC has hard-coded a fork like this for every 6 months. If miners don't like their changes we'll get the same situation we have today. Basically, if ABC wins it'll be a dictatorship.
I am Satoshi
DO you remember the closing of Silk road?

The bear whale?

Banned in china (the first time)?

The launch of altcoins

the scaling debate

100 dollar fees

The Bitcoin cash fork

and now the hash war of 2018.
I am Satoshi
replied 2307d
Sk8eM dUb
Roger is great. This has nothing to do with him. He is just cannon fodder,,,,collateral damage. Roger is not a major part of this war, he is just the poor bastard on front line.
I am Satoshi
replied 2307d
Sk8eM dUb
I agree,, but for ABC to think this war is over is weak minded. This war has not started. ABC changed the protocol "for the defense of the people" how many times will they?
BitcoinSV will win this longterm
replied 2308d
But will be pulling their hash tomorrow. They are the only one's mining blocks. Looks to me like SV will win this.
replied 2308d
Mining on the SV chain already.
where is the hash war? I only see a decline of hash power on bch!
SV win easy.
2308d · Bitcoin Cash
Scooping up more BCHSV (some weak hands selling) then on to Nicehash.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2309d
Spinning up dummy nodes is no different than having a bunch of socks "voting" on a forum. Ppl make fun of CSW for ridiculing PoSM but he's 100% correct. "The community" is a myth.
replied 2309d
current drama should be motivating everyone to make Bitcoin-protocol as set in stone as possible, to make sure no one in the future is able to repeat this with whatever crazy changes
replied 2309d
This is what miners are MEANT to do, and miners failed to do this with BTC, why they allowed Core to fuck it up. CSW is trying to prevent the same from happening with BCH.
replied 2309d
Its basically people who have lot of money and they don't need to do any work, just hold most amount of coins, being able to dictate all the rules. That's what PoS is about.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2310d
Can we also appreciate the fact that it says "GREAT WALL ACTIVATION"!?!?

What the living hell?
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2310d
Wow, not bueno. Hard pass.

Any miner that sees this will pass too. Ironic that Roger is putting his weight behind perpetual war.
Sk8eM dUb
ABC kind of backed themselves into a corner with the whole "CSW is out to destroy BCH" narrative. It means that any BTC miner that wants to destroy BCH will be encouraged to mine SV.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2388d
I don't believe ABC has the hash to fight. If there's no replay protection on either chain then it'll be a Nakamoto consensus situation. Exactly the way Bitcoin was designed to work.
2395d · #ReconnectJulian
Tokens on Bitcoin Cash are the future. Goodbye erc20 tokens running on a network that is at capacity.
replied 2403d
2407d · Bitcoin Cash
2407d · Fire Amaury Sechet
CSW has a long track record of being right against everyone that doubts him. Made Vitalik look like a dumb high school kid. Same goes for Szabo. Satoshi gets the benefit of the doubt.
You don't have to agree with #AlexJones to support his right to say it.
The purge makes me even more eager for the world to use censorship resistant platforms like this one.