The comparison between Core and SV are more apparent than ever before: SV like Core has little to offer on technological grounds, they are mostly busy spewing slogans and ad hominem.
ABC here talk 100% about their work and not about "Satoshi's Vision" (sounds fmailiar?.. "We are all Satoshi!" was part of Core's Proof of Propaganda).
If you want to understand better the ABC upgrade and why it's the only reasonable proposal currently:
It’s too bad that Jihan and Haipo can win but they don’t fight based on principles (hence how Core won). BCH miner fight based on principles so they will fight till bankruptcy
Indeed. I see the same patterns with nChain as with Blockstream:
- Cult
- Trolling
- Censorship and not wanting open discussion
Glad other people are seeing this too. A lot of censorship and walled garden mentality going on lately. This Nov 15 is going to be an epic fight. Can't wait to see the results.
to the big banks to render a very serious threat to their power inert? ... You might not see it this way, but I am positive that in a couple of weeks you are going to know. nChain is
just another blockstream but this time more dangerous than ever because they have hashrate. And they are going to use it to the full extent to try to either control BCH or try to stop
just another blockstream but this time more dangerous than ever because they have hashrate. And they are going to use it to the full extent to try to either control BCH or try to stop
Indeed. I see the same patterns with nChain as with Blockstream: - Cult - Trolling - Censorship and not wanting open discussion
Indeed. I see the same patterns with nChain as with Blockstream:
- Cult
- Trolling
- Censorship and not wanting open discussion
Anyone can see that the anti-CSW ppl are just as much or more of a cult. I've seen numerous anti CSW posts on r/btc with hundreds of up-votes. I've never seen that for a pro CSW post.
Good so far. All of the transactions are being shown, but less people viewing TxStreet this time. After the new front end things will be smoother. For now set the frame rate lower.
Another bug report .. Go to Posts/Top and see this on the bottom, always:
Now you can replicate ANY memo post (topic, poll, replies) to Twitter simply by mentioning @_opreturn in your memo! You'll find the tweets here:
The character limit seems to have a tendency to make discussion shallow and based on cheap points. Is there a good discussion/explanation of why the limit must be this small?
Currently Memo messages use a single transaction which has a limit. Eventually we plan to support multiple transactions for longer messages.
I am looking for OP_RETURN protocols to integrate in Oyo. So far I have Memo, bitcoinfile:, bookchain, mttr and SLP. Help Oyo by pointing out more protocols.
US war on terror: "Since 2009, the US has invested nearly $114m in security assistance to establish elite military and police u... as part of Hernández’s crackdown on gangs."
So your saying that the US actually caused this problem & are systematically imposing propaganda to demonize the victims of its actions? SHOCKING! SURELY THEYVE NEVER DONE THIS BEFORE!