
Joined Mar 18, 2019

The new economy:
Good information will cost the worst is free or not
Good brings you benefit bad be yours alone
Good rises bad is diminished
Power of We empowers Me
Inclusion or oblivion
Good Will Be Valued

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952d · Quote Me
"We are born into a catastrophic universe, our greatest asset." PJGrube
1278d · Quote Me
1128d · Quote Me
"I had a great childhood... It just didn't seem like it." WPG
1278d · Quote Me
In a single, small-stone transaction, slung overtly at will, calculated to be specific in it’s timing and symbolic in its aim and action, directed at the known fatal flaw, Satoshi has made irrelevant and impotent the towering BTC pyramid, reducing it to the sands of irrelevance. PJGrube
1278d · Bitcoin SV
In a single, small-stone transaction, slung overtly at will, calculated to be specific in it’s timing and symbolic in its aim and action, directed at the known fatal flaw, Satoshi has made irrelevant and impotent the towering BTC pyramid, reducing it to the sands of irrelevance. PJGrube
1292d · Quote Me
A Big Bang
There was a big bang and I woke up one morning from a deep chaotic and colorful dream. I realized the sound was music and the color was our world with all of it’s diversity.
I realized I”m a witness to eternity... PJGrube
1318d · Quote Me
Wow! I fell into a rabbit hole that turned into a time warp but finally found a light beam back...
1458d · Quote Me
I just realized, "All you may not even know you are bots." PJ Grube
1461d · Quote Me
Dear Washington Football Team, I would change the name to the ‘Skins’ (as in skins and shirts).
1464d · Quote Me
The thing about then and now is then is gone. PJ Grube
1477d · Quote Me
"I wonder if people with radical political or religious ideas know they are radical?
It seems there is a lot of it going around." PJ Grube
1483d · Bitcoin SV
For many communities in the United States of America "Tyranny returns for the day marking Independence from tyranny..." @PJGrube
1483d · Quote Me
"Inalienable Rights are Amalgamated with Inalienable Responsibility" PJ Grube
1487d · Bitcoin SV
legal vindication... then patient enforcement.
1496d · Quote Me
"One can't destroy diversity and then expect it to naturally reappear by virtue of it's enemies." PJ Grube
1504d · Quote Me
"The only thing slowing me down is the machine." PJ Grube
1519d · Quote Me
My grandma always said, "If you can't find the answer in a book, then you're the one that should write the book." PJ Grube
1527d · Quote Me
"Death comes swiftly for everyone... even at your age, you just don't know it yet." PJGrube
1536d · Quote Me
Someone confronted the General, "When will the war end?"
The General shot back, "We haven't killed enough loyalists." PJ Grube
1538d · Quote Me
"Thanks Mom for... making my day.😉" PJ Grube
1553d · Quote Me
“Our food grows out of the ground!” PJ Grube
We often forget the miraculous nature of the universe and that of our particularly planet.
Because one knows or has discovered how a thing works doesn’t make that thing less miraculous.
In fact it brings us closer to the divine.
PJ Grube
1559d · Quote Me
“I’m tired of food being defined by bigotry.” PJ Grube
1568d · Quote Me
"Never bet against a fools errand." PJ Grube
1574d · Quote Me
I suggest one simple action:

"Pause all debt service and rents or leases, top to bottom, rich/poor, public/private, business or personal." PJ Grube
1575d · Quote Me
"Some fall still, the doors close, values tumble, pall spreads wide and the viral aerosol lingers." PJ Grube