
Joined Mar 18, 2019

The new economy:
Good information will cost the worst is free or not
Good brings you benefit bad be yours alone
Good rises bad is diminished
Power of We empowers Me
Inclusion or oblivion
Good Will Be Valued

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2055d · Bitcoin SV
will you apologise when he provides the info requested?
2058d · Bitcoin SV
saved 2072d
2074d · memo
Today Memo celebrates 1 year since launch! Thanks to everyone who helped make Memo one of the top dapps in crypto!
PaidSockPuppet (bsv)
replied 2073d
Dead on. It's a game of musical chairs that the exchanges want to keep running forever. There's no end, no goal, no direction, just perpetual movement of shit coins back and forth. BSV already has more tools than any other project that I am aware of and more coming all the time. I think the fact that people in the so-called "community" think that BSV is a write off, will make them all the more surprised to see the Phoenix rise, and it won't depend on gambling sites like Binance.
2073d · Bitcoin SV
2076d · Bitcoin SV
saved 2077d
saved 2078d
saved 2078d
Time Crawler - A BitDB Component

In the world of MetaNet, everything revolves around Bitcoin (SV) as a protocol. Comparatively, in the world of Internet, everything revolves around TCP/IP as a protocol.

People always ask, how are they going to understand MetaNet? The answer is you don't have to. The same way as the concept of Internet naturally dwelled into our mindset by way of using all the applications running on top of it like Web browsing, Facebook, Twitter, Uber and more. Metanet, will eventually be integrated into our daily way of living just by simply using the applications built on top of Bitcoin (SV) like Bitstagram, Memo.SV, Moneybutton, HandCash and more.

The key driving force to the gradual migration of applications to MetaNet will be characterized by an explosion of applications being developed using Bitcoin (SV). For the curios, you can track some of the projects being developed here https://www.bsvdevs.com/index.php .

Now, given that we are on our way to Meta...
这是比特币所做的事情之一 - 它消除了这种权力。它将在全球范围内消除这种权力。“ - CSW ​​​​
2111d · BSV
sent · 3,000 sats 2101d