The new economy: Good information will cost the worst is free or not Good brings you benefit bad be yours alone Good rises bad is diminished Power of We empowers Me Inclusion or oblivion Good Will Be Valued $PJGRUBE
LONGLINE - “The atom smasher at CERN, France found the ‘higgs boson god particle’, and at the same time may have altered or created an alternate universe. It was the same year of the Hillary Clinton / Donald Trump presidential election. The event may very well have ended the universe where Hillary Clinton was to be president and merged with the altered universe where Trump became president. CERN plans more events.” Screenplay by PJ Grube
"There is truth and there is fantasy The problem with fantasy is it is not real The glory of the truth is that it is Fantasy is absent reality There is a difference between fantasy and dreams Dreams have a practical relevance to the truth" PJ Grube
"I don't think any product or service is helped by aligning with a politics or religion. Politics and religion can use a product or service, but, a product or service is not benefited by promoting either. Products and services are universal. Politics and religion not so much." PJ Grube
"I don't think any product or service is helped by aligning with a politics or religion. Politics and religion can use a product or service, but, a product or service is not benefited by promoting either. Products and services are universal. Politics and religion not so much." PJ Grube
"I don't think any product or service is helped by aligning with a politics or religion. Politics and religion can use a product or service, but, a product or service is not benefited by promoting either. Products and services are universal. Politics and religion not so much." PJ Grube
"But you have know yourself a really long time and knowing that, sharing that is the gift. People like me or not because of the recognition in them of the person they see in the person I exhibit. A life long friend starts with the first moment of contact." PJ Grube
I'm sure you know your job and your interests, be good at them and, as an associate of mine would say: I've got three things for you to do. 1) See the people This is very important and 2) See the people This can not be over stated and mostly 3) See the people Now got out there.