
Joined Apr 18, 2018

Free Market Anarchist. Empower the individual, empower the world.

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replied 1734d
How is it being attacked? I see them mining blocks and extending the chain, as expected.
replied 1734d
How is it being attacked? I see them mining blocks and extending the chain, as expected.
1742d · Memo
Btw, would be great if we had 3 UI's for the memo protocol - twitter style (here), reddit style, and a YouTube style. The protocol may be needed to be updated with IPFS for images/video in the future
1742d · Memo
Has @memo seen the 'member client' featured on the r/BTC sidebar?
replied 1748d
Maybe Memo should have a custom full implementation with the GUI like it is here. That way it would be truly unstoppable. @memo
replied 1748d
Point to some numbers. If it is so apparent, you shouldn't have a problem backing up your bullshit.
replied 1749d
No...that is a bullshit statement not backed by anything. There is no correlation to gun rates per capital to crime.
replied 1752d
Now muting
replied 1753d
replied 1754d
Holy fuck, you have to be a parody
replied 1754d
Government's are inherently evil. Sorry to burst your statist-worshipping bubble.
Haven app has been released. Peer-to-peer trading with BCH on your mobile.
Must respect you masters!
Cloudflare releases Ethereum Gateway, where you can interact with the network. It lets you host content on IPFS and access it through your own custom domain.
replied 1799d
For what purpose? Your account is tied to a specific address. Whatever you are shuffling, you can't have associated with your Memo profile any longer.
replied 1805d
That didn't answer my question
replied 1806d
What does this have to do with Satoshi's vision of Bitcoin as electronic cash?
replied 1811d
And it will be trivial to use BCH LN...because we can cheaply fund many channels so that payments won't fail and our network won't be dominated by Coinbase and other exchanges