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saved 1086d
Another *stunning* article attacking an exchange that has BSV listed on it. https://coingeek.com/robinhood-crypto-to-pay-ny-regulator-15m-fine-in-anti-money-laundering-probe/
saved 1086d
Dude was talented. Probably wants to play on winning teams.
saved 1089d
I didn't watch CG Zurich. You seen one CG. You've seen them all.
saved 1089d
Don't think for a second he didn't look at (and pass on) BSV.
saved 1089d
Weird that Bitcoin was set free initially when it was released under the *nym of Satoshi. There's too many paid "yes" men, and a propaganda machine that does more damage than good. Just let it be the best tech and get out of the way.
saved 1089d
It's too bad we can't pivot from the old mentality to a new mentality. Realizing that it is a popularity contest. Not a Satoshi contest. Not a contest about who's got bigger blocks, or more txs per sec. It's a popularity contest and BSV is losing.
saved 1089d
The core values you'd think matter, don't matter. No one cares about his Satoshi claim. No one cares about trustless transactions. No one cares about PoW vs PoS. Decentralization. It's about being "liked" and accepted, period.
saved 1176d
I was always worried about getting rid of my Fleshlight before I died.. Thanks to blockchain, I don't have to.
saved 1176d
im sorry about doggo! it'd be nice of we could engineer dogs to live longer. they're so faithful. even when you are mean to them.
saved 1178d
I just lost #1 to @729 - nice work. but to answer your question, I'm playing the numbers game. obviously been trying to capture the "live" ones. the yield isn't great there. but the shitposts? They seem to pay. iPhone alerts blowing up like mad.
saved 1178d
saved 1178d
I'm not staff here, so please don't be confused. @4 is there anything you can do
saved 1178d
my computer is suddenly acting weird
saved 1178d
You must really know what you're doing. Because you're irresistible to talk to. We need to see a shoe on your head photo before I answer any more of your questions young lady.
saved 1178d
I have a date with a bottle of friction modifier.
saved 1178d
you did it yourself, but that's a fun reddit thing to do. move the hypen when someone says something-ass to the otherside. bomb-ass dispensary=bomb ass-dispensary
saved 1178d
Don't be afraid of Twetch. I've only been banging on my keyboard for what seems like a week and I have 400 followers...... 398 but who's counting? It ain't easy being sleazy. But not like the fox sleazy. Just straight up pwn3d.
saved 1178d
I'm being totally serious rn. but when I was 18 I was going to get a Marvin the Martian tattoo. It was going to be magnificent. I've always identified with Marvin and his views of the Earth blocking his view. And what firepower. The P38 space modulator.
saved 1178d
you confuse me with @292
saved 1178d
I consider myself a freedom fighter.
saved 1179d
wuts a duro
saved 1179d
Yeah, eBay's ability not to keep that market was interesting. How did Reverb do it? Now you have to check both sites if you're fomoing on something hard to get.
saved 1179d
work? no, I just tell people how poorly they're doing and then try to give them courage to do better. it's like a gang initiation.
saved 1179d
Just replace it with this. Maybe we can educate them about the proper use of Bitcoin.
saved 1179d
I prefer Russian operative