
Joined Jul 29, 2019


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replied 2004d
i wanted to save my virginity for someone I could love forever, but they kept rejecting me and the white guys who "fucked" all those Asian girls loved rubbing and flaunting it to my face, saying things like "i fucked her on the lawn" or grinning and smirking at me every chance they could in the high school hallways

the spy agencies that monitor everything basically just used my eyes, heart and brains to select the best Asian girls to snatch away from me
replied 2004d
im sorry i littered, i don't see the harm in littering, but i do see the harm in physical vandalism of my skin, no matter how small, and I cannot accept people who physically vandalize the human body, face, skin, using sneaky methods
replied 2004d
i lied because i was embarrassed about it, because everyone else was fucking and having sex
replied 2004d
i never went to high school prom, and i never had a girlfriend in college, nor had any sex in college
replied 2004d
everyone has a critical growth period, usually the high school years, where hearts are shaped forever, after which nothing works, just like trying to learn a new language when you're an adult
the only thing that matters to me is the physical feeling in my heart that seems to never go away
replied 2005d
if I was a genocial WMAF eugenicist, I would make sure to induce testicular cancer on the AMWF hapas for WMAF (and their hapas) supremacy
replied 2005d
the WMAF doctors, they probably poison and cripple the Asian boys in their youth for WMAF purposes as well
replied 2005d

I can't stand watching victims get repeatedly abused and exploited
replied 2005d
ideally, all medical knowledge and skills should be shared and open, to be used to create a computer/AI doctor/surgeon that replaces all doctors and surgeons
replied 2005d
ideally (in my opinion), there is only 1 parent (a computer/AI would probably be better parents than most human parents) for all children, and parents are only used to reproduce children
replied 2005d
its like white parents immigrating to Africa and expecting to be treated fairly
replied 2005d
the only reason Asian parents immigrate to white majority places is to offer their Asian daughters to the white boys and men to fuck for free
replied 2005d
instead of competing fairly
replied 2005d
if i was one of those sadistic white (or even Asian) guys who knew WMAF only went 1 way, and that asian girls are the most desired things in the entire universe, i would work with others to secretly drug the Asian competition for WMAF purposes
replied 2005d
and probably those spy agencies (CIA/FBI/NSA/etc)
replied 2005d
TJHSST, a great place for WMAF and their hapas to feel superior to Asians, brought to you by the pharmaceutical industry and US military technology
replied 2005d
basically, TJHSST was worse than prison
replied 2005d
the only reason sex is stigmatized is so WMAF can proliferate
replied 2005d
just like how if one of those WMAF asian girls loved and/or had sex with me in high school, i wouldnt have felt the need to take Accutane/Sotret, but they wouldn't even look at me for the entire 4 years, avoiding me as if I had the plague
replied 2005d
i bet if one of those WMAF asian girls loved and/or had sex with him, he wouldn't have done this
replied 2005d
but if the only reason he exists was because his dad threatened to kill his mom or something, then he was born cursed
replied 2005d
basically anyone who has ever influenced or hurt the Cho Seung-Hui, physically or emotionally, is also responsible for his mass murders
replied 2005d
its pretty easy to create mass murderers, just bully them, isolate them, deny them sex and love, and provoke/flaunt it in their face as they mutilate their bodies with drugs, biological weapons and remote controlled technology
replied 2005d
what prescription drugs was he and or his family taking ???