Tone Vays [@Bitcoin]

Joined Jun 15, 2018

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Tone Vays [@Bitcoin]
2063d And the #blockchaincruise2019 is kicked off w/ @CoinsBank CEO opening remarks... Should be a fun time, will try and you all a stream later today!
Tone Vays [@Bitcoin]
2072d Thanks to @DeribitExchange for sponsoring next weeks in person Advanced Trading Workshop in #Amsterdam. Tickets still available. Saturday June 8th (10AM-5PM) at THE STUDENT HOTEL WEST. Learn
Tone Vays [@Bitcoin]
2073d Hahaha, you all know how I'm gonna vote 😂
Tone Vays [@Bitcoin]
2073d Perfect timing for @aantonop speaking at #digitalk in Sofia w/ the Mastering #Bitctoin book just having been translated into Bulgarian. Should be a great day 2 here at #Digitalk2019 https://t.c
Tone Vays [@Bitcoin]
2074d Market Pulse - Have not done one in a while, with this big $SPX Drop, let's look at Stocks:
Tone Vays [@Bitcoin]
2074d Can't wait to watch a race to the bottom on fees, come on #BCash, you can go lower than that... someone might have to turn off those bot $BCH transaction by a single account first of course.
Tone Vays [@Bitcoin]
2074d MUST Read @mdudas of @TheBlock__! How did I miss this! @Ripple's $XRP obviously security but now CEO @bgarlinghouse speaks front of @Lagarde @IMFNews doubt @SEC_Enforcement will do anything to
Tone Vays [@Bitcoin]
2075d Trading #Bitcoin - Down $500 & Never Made to my Perfect Area to Short at $9.5k, is it still possible for next week or down we go? No one knows, but we can try and look:
Tone Vays [@Bitcoin]
2075d Yup, still in a #shitcoin Bubble!
How Will #Bitcoin Bear end:
1. Bottom is in & all shitcoiners pile into $BTC driving it to ATH -Unlikely
2. The bottom is NOT in & we go sub 3k to kill
Tone Vays [@Bitcoin]
2075d Trading #Bitcoin w/ @LucidInvestment & @venzen - Talking #Hyperwave, our thoughts on 9k being the top, $USD, Stocks, $GOLD & more.
Had bad stream quality but locally recorded most of it
Tone Vays [@Bitcoin]
2075d Reasons #Bitcoin transactions are way more expensive on-chain than they should be is cause MOST POPULAR yet one of the WORST wallets in #crypto - @blockchain - has NOT implemented #Segwit after
Tone Vays [@Bitcoin]
2076d Trading #Bitcoin w/ @LucidInvestment - Been a while, as u all know, he recommended clients buy up to 20% of X into $BTC btwn 6.2 & 6.8k, he has now recommended they sell half that at 8.9k.
set name to Tone Vays [@Bitcoin] 2081d
set name to 2422d