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saved 1278d
“If I was invisible then I could see the wind.”

- My son at around age 4 or 5
saved 1328d
In all the chaos created in seeking our own self-interest, there's a cosmos, and in all disorder, in the byproducts of our unintended consequences, there’s a secret order.
saved 1338d
saved 1339d
The problem is for each of us, exists a separate world and there's no real compelling arguments or reason why we should adopt just one, nor should there be.
Hence the problem remains...
The key is learning to live with it.
saved 1339d
Well... I think it’s safe to say that the social contract between our Overlords, namely Authority in the form of Power and Money, and “We the People,” -the peasants- has been officially broken.
saved 1341d
The blatant propaganda & hypocrisy is akin to psychological warfare. Big tech & Msm’s attempt to monopolize our perception & Infantilize us, is intended to demoralize, debilitate, invoke dread, create dependency and obliterate human resistance and spirit.
saved 1341d
They champion and glorify them because they're assisting and enabling our enslavement. The demonization and condemnation of those of us, against all of this, is obedience training for the new programming. 2/2
saved 1341d
saved 1343d
If all the pieces never seem to fall in to place, maybe it's because they're never out of place to begin with. 🤔
saved 1343d
Hypothetical "what ifs" and "should of's" are both a form of wishful thinking, fantasizing, escapism, an expression of frustration or intolerance to the way things are, or even virtue signaling. Bottom line, they're an elusion and affront to what is.
saved 1343d
We're are so quick to give precedence to the thoughts and feelings we have in response to our sensory perception and or the products and effects of active-imagination which themselves arise unimposed from the incomprehensibility of being.
saved 1343d
Everything is entangled.

Everything is Love.

"The Laws of Physics are the Laws of observation.”

We are all ONE.
saved 1345d
I advocate for making them irrelevant, by walking away and unplugging from their paradigm...

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ― Buckminster Fuller

saved 1346d
You are welcome BrightBot!

Thank you for being BrightBot!
saved 1347d
The rise and fall of both tyrants and heroes, freedom and oppression, has forged the present and continues to shape the future with the results of thousands of moment-to-moment battles between light and darkness in the never-ending war of life.
saved 1348d
saved 1348d
The System's Theology 101:

Money is the system's God. Our lives and health are a big-money business. So, when it dehumanizes, monetizes, and politicalizes them, this is just a practice of good-faith and a symptom of the system's devotion to its God.
saved 1348d
They're coming to work Bill Gates newly acquired farmland.

It's all part of the PLAN! 🤪

saved 1349d
Okay, next question what is the BEST way to purchase BSV specifically to add funds to your Relayx wallet for Twetch?
(Lowest exchange & efficient)

On another note, I played the Haste- app game & failed miserably, Cheers to you, if you have success there!
saved 1352d
We see and believe what we choose to see and believe and it's as simple as that, now whether what we see or believe is even remotely accurate is where things get complicated.
saved 1352d
saved 1352d
Thank you! Yeah, I’m a slow starter, but I think I may be starting to figure it out.. appreciate you all!
saved 1352d
Was in the middle of getting in on this and realized it was last year... 😂