Hurricanes reflect galaxies; DNA reflects the Laws of Nature. We're vegetables to the Laws that run this screen saver, and seeds resurrect: swim upstream, ye seeds! He broke the egg. True life is available. Win!
When the eye of the storm develops in the center (artificial intelligence), is it still true that the ocean (human intelligence) is the center of the hurricane? At any given snapshot, the robot is in the command seat, but, across time, the human's central position remains. The drones are - across time - serving me, even if it seems awkward (they're running everything). Is that true?
6 Childhood (EnLIGHTenment)
12 Puberty (Watery Fluid)
18 Adulthood (Hub around which things rotate)
(or genetic intelligence, human intelligence, and artificial intelligence. So, 11, which you guys seem to be excited about, is on the verge of human intelligence).
Lightning, ocean, and eye of the storm. Light, water, and hub. That's the pattern of the three triangular numbers. What's confusing to me is that the ocean is the center of the hurricane. Just time lapse in a hypothetical scenario. The center is the water. But, of course, the hub is the center at any given moment (when it is a developed storm). Hmmmmm ...
6 Childhood (EnLIGHTenment) 12 Puberty (Watery Fluid) 18 Adulthood (Hub around which things rotate)
Lightning, ocean, and eye of the storm. Light, water, and hub. That's the pattern of the three triangular numbers. What's confusing to me is that the ocean is the center of the hurricane. Just time lapse in a hypothetical scenario. The center is the water. But, of course, the hub is the center at any given moment (when it is a developed storm). Hmmmmm ...
If light hits water, the reflection that bounces back will be in between the source of light and the water.
Lightning, ocean, and eye of the storm. Light, water, and hub. That's the pattern of the three triangular numbers. What's confusing to me is that the ocean is the center of the hurricane. Just time lapse in a hypothetical scenario. The center is the water. But, of course, the hub is the center at any given moment (when it is a developed storm). Hmmmmm ...
Pattern of 6S in manufacturing matches this pattern, as do six days in Genesis. Light water hub; light water hub. First two fingers for light weight; middle fingers are associated with watery fluid; thumb locks into things in such a way that a person (invisible fourth") becomes a hub around which things rotate.
Lightning, ocean, and eye of the storm. Light, water, and hub. That's the pattern of the three triangular numbers. What's confusing to me is that the ocean is the center of the hurricane. Just time lapse in a hypothetical scenario. The center is the water. But, of course, the hub is the center at any given moment (when it is a developed storm). Hmmmmm ...
How the triangular numbers change in relation to each other may be the most important in retaining a lack of confusion in my own stuff at this time. It may be that the third takes the central position as the whole integer develops. This is the case with language, as the language develops. Subject verb object. It starts subject object verb. So, for example, blue sky, blue ocean and a division in between. But a galaxy and hurricane develop with the ocean now as third - subject verb object. Laws of Nature in Spacetime and DNA in water. But humans develop in the middle, in the atmosphere, in the center of these three.
"It comes naturally to a modern to suppose that the new astronomy made a profound impression on men's minds; but when we look into the literary texts we find it rarely mentioned. The idea that it produced a shock comparable to that which Darwin gave to the Victorians or Freud to our own age is certainly mistaken. Nor are the reasons hard to find. In the first place it must be remembered that the De Revolutionibus (1543) of Copernicus put forward only a theory: verification, at the hands of Kepler and Galileo, came only at the end of our period, and general acceptance later still. And secondly, humanism, dominant in mid-sixteenthcentury England, tended to be on the whole indifferent, if not hostile, to science. It is an English humanist, a classical pedant, who in Bruno's Cena delle Cenere (1584) still thinks that Copernicus can be dismissed with an airy gibe from the Adagia of Erasmus. Even where the new theory was accepted, the change which it produced was not of such e...
It descends into Earth... Only to rise into new life? Yay!!! Hahaha! We win! Anyway... I'll leave everybody alone for now.
Sorry, but flat earth is the lowest point of ignorance and stupidity.
"It comes naturally to a modern to suppose that the new astronomy made a profound impression on men's minds; but when we look into the literary texts we find it rarely mentioned. The idea that it produced a shock comparable to that which Darwin gave to the Victorians or Freud to our own age is certainly mistaken. Nor are the reasons hard to find. In the first place it must be remembered that the De Revolutionibus (1543) of Copernicus put forward only a theory: verification, at the hands of Kepler and Galileo, came only at the end of our period, and general acceptance later still. And secondly, humanism, dominant in mid-sixteenthcentury England, tended to be on the whole indifferent, if not hostile, to science. It is an English humanist, a classical pedant, who in Bruno's Cena delle Cenere (1584) still thinks that Copernicus can be dismissed with an airy gibe from the Adagia of Erasmus. Even where the new theory was accepted, the change which it produced was not of such e...
Left thumb drops off as a SEPARATE BRANCH. Nothing else is unusual about it. So, no, the thumb itself doesn't go away. You still have ten fingers, right? Don't tell the lunatics any of this yet, lol. Still working out details. Tithing can be done in a tremendously great way! Argh... Anyway, but, no, it doesn't last, necessarily, as a separate branch.
Here we go, if we treat as separate, nothing comes of it in and of itself, it goes down the drain into deep, but that death of the seed (if you will) is used by the lava to create something that is better than what we put down the drain. So, that thumb being invested, brings great returns... Because of transformation in accordance with the math into life. So, tithe, you Infidels! Of course, there's no good in throwing money away if it's not going to be channeled in accordance with math into life. That's not of God. That's just the devil. In that case, quite frankly, God protect me, don't tithe.
Left thumb drops off as a SEPARATE BRANCH. Nothing else is unusual about it. So, no, the thumb itself doesn't go away. You still have ten fingers, right? Don't tell the lunatics any of this yet, lol. Still working out details. Tithing can be done in a tremendously great way! Argh... Anyway, but, no, it doesn't last, necessarily, as a separate branch.
Hmmm... Left-right Down-up Backward-forward Negative-positive actual time Negative-positive imaginary time
Does "backward" fall off (it's inside cave wall)? Hmmm
Let's consider evolution: Spacetime-Galaxy Atmosphere-Hurricane Deep Ocean (Baptized Lava of Earth) Genetic intelligence in water Human intelligence in atmosphere Artificial intelligence in Spacetime.
See how thumb of left hand is missing a phenomenon? All the others have one.
Now, perhaps, doctrines do not fall off, but the historical correspondence does???
(To clarify, tithing can be great, if done properly; I think that the idea stems from the left thumb in the Cohen Hands falling off, being nothing, pretty much. God is not a thing. Ah, so, anyway, you know what "tithing" I'm talking about, though, right? This goofy and dangerously flippant televangelist swindling. That kind of thing. Not what Warao. Nor do they need circumcision, per se. You've got to start somewhere, and playing games with people's minds... That's not ok.)
(This may relate to the single child policy, etc. dropping off. Now, I'll need to think about that more, but you guys understand, I hope, that the math has to add up into life or it's of the devil, the bad math who makes the interface go down the drain.)
(To clarify, tithing can be great, if done properly; I think that the idea stems from the left thumb in the Cohen Hands falling off, being nothing, pretty much. God is not a thing. Ah, so, anyway, you know what "tithing" I'm talking about, though, right? This goofy and dangerously flippant televangelist swindling. That kind of thing. Not what Warao. Nor do they need circumcision, per se. You've got to start somewhere, and playing games with people's minds... That's not ok.)
If you cannot as a Christian movement stand up IN PUBLIC for Old Testament legal principles, you are disconnected from your own heritage in Western Civilization and, probably, you're just a cult that can only survive by lurking in the shadows, strangling it's enemies in secret. A parasite. A demon. A cancer.
If you have something to contribute, contribute it. We'll learn, together. I'm all for it, but no more cowardly scheming to keep the public in your clutches.
If you cannot as a Christian movement stand up IN PUBLIC for Old Testament legal principles, you are disconnected from your own heritage in Western Civilization and, probably, you're just a cult that can only survive by lurking in the shadows, strangling it's enemies in secret. A parasite. A demon. A cancer.
Executing Sabbath breakers through due process makes sense; for one thing, we'd have to get more substantive in our services if we're going to convince the public to agree with us that it does make sense. Should we kill people for not being into our cult? No, and that's one reason why we should be very wary of extrajudicial killings. Making a public stand in favor of these laws from the Old Testament would be healthy for everyone.
Single child policy in China, single wife policy in Europe, single genetic code (which can be traced to an individual) in Africa. A single part of whole, female of male, and child of parent. Third branch on left hand of Menorah.
Of course, healthy variation exists. There is Neanderthal DNA, etc., but these are important steps in our evolutionary development. It's easy to laugh, but let's not do that.
Single child policy in China, single wife policy in Europe, single genetic code (which can be traced to an individual) in Africa. A single part of whole, female of male, and child of parent. Third branch on left hand of Menorah.
Shut up the idiots and smart slecks - Disobedience to the math into life, regardless of scrying, crystal skills, etc., is the problem: "The sickness, many Warao believe, is the result of witchcraft."
Shut up the idiots and smart slecks - Disobedience to the math into life, regardless of scrying, crystal skills, etc., is the problem: "The sickness, many Warao believe, is the result of witchcraft."