Jonathan Cooper

Joined Jan 24, 2019

Hurricanes reflect galaxies; DNA reflects the Laws of Nature. We're vegetables to the Laws that run this screen saver, and seeds resurrect: swim upstream, ye seeds! He broke the egg. True life is available. Win!

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Jonathan Cooper
replied 2090d
Jonathan Cooper
We're all going to Great Britain, now, is that the idea? Oh God... You people tire me. Please, don't be offended if I don't settle down in the UK. Absurd cycles of frantic drifting!
Jonathan Cooper
replied 2090d
Jonathan Cooper
If the UK is leaving the EU human rights nonsense, that may well (in the UK'S favor) influence my (sometimes, subjective, I admit) evaluation.
Jonathan Cooper
I'll start applying for jobs tomorrow (now that my notice has been submitted). To an extent, where I flee from Smileys (or Clowns) is out of my control. I'm not a millionaire, etc.
Jonathan Cooper
2090d · Smiley Face Killers
Kill or scare off the "cream." Natural choice is the UK, given language, etc. Zip-tying the two back together may be the goal with the UK as the brains.
Jonathan Cooper
2090d · Smiley Face Killers
May sound outlandish, but this might be an apology to the UK
Jonathan Cooper
2091d · Smiley Face Killers
I guess that it is that I'm not rebellious. They're Americans. They hate that. Whole program a way to apologize to Great Britain? My ancestors is more abolitionist than revolutionary. Actually, on Mom's side, Benedict Arnold. Pennsylvania was not as all in for revolt from UK, at least, one of our reps walked out, right? Alternatively, do they hate me for my ancestors? Very bizarre!
Jonathan Cooper
replied 2091d
Jonathan Cooper
Oh, and here's your new favorite song
Jonathan Cooper
2091d · Smiley Face Killers
You people are the problem! "It Ain't Me" Hahahaha.
Jonathan Cooper
2091d · Smiley Face Killers
You all are just pulling a prank on me of some sort. It has been annoying, though. Anyway, no more living under a bridge here. I'll have to save up money somewhere else. May be I'm going to go live under a bridge in Switzerland now, because you're annoying. You should get some sleep. Blah! You all are very bizarre. Here's some more music!
Jonathan Cooper
2091d · Smiley Face Killers
You all need to have some fun in life! Just running around trying to kill someone who doesn't deserve it... now, that's tiring, isn't it? Get something to eat. Go take a nap. Wake up and see if you feel better. I had a snack before I went to sleep last night. I feel great! That might help you. But you should have some fun in life. This video may help you sleep. Very relaxing.
Jonathan Cooper
replied 2091d
Putting in my resignation notice (to be notarized) in order to gain access to my 401(k) Grateful for China! Very exciting how they're developing and all you can eat buffets! About to have one. Yippee!
Jonathan Cooper
Jonathan Cooper
2093d · Bitcoin SV
Of course, Brexit is coming soon. Expecting a delay? I'm shuffling around my work partly in order to have access to my 401(k). Yippee!!!!
Jonathan Cooper
2093d · Bitcoin SV
Much bullish? I suspect, given the source. I'm pretty sure that they're still into BTC. Yippee! Exciting day to be alive!
Jonathan Cooper
replied 2093d
Jonathan Cooper
Jonathan Cooper
replied 2093d
Jonathan Cooper
Sigh... I think that you Americans should be destroyed! Hahahahaha... what a bummer these people are...
Jonathan Cooper
replied 2093d
Jonathan Cooper
By the way, you could also collaborate and obey the obvious principles in Scripture. You don't have to (is this what they're doing?) chase around your smart young people, paranoid that they might think something that they're not supposed to think?
Jonathan Cooper
replied 2093d
Jonathan Cooper
"Top Secret" sheet music.
Jonathan Cooper
Switch to AI. Then, you don't have to trust anyone with certain information.
Jonathan Cooper
Jonathan Cooper
replied 2093d
Jonathan Cooper
It's important to transition successfully into the next era. So, no, caring about the right ideas is not out dated. I think that it'd be better to do it as a computer programmer. Teach robots, etc.
Jonathan Cooper
replied 2093d
Jonathan Cooper
(As an aside, those who say that religion's era is over are correct, but we did not throw out good genetics when the era of ideas arrived. So, likewise, we do intend - I hope - for robots to be operating in accordance with the right ideas. AI could be a disaster otherwise! Swim upstream!)
Jonathan Cooper
Worship the math that runs everything - God's laws. Obey the math that adds up to life. Don't worship rocks, etc. Do what adds up to life, because that directly reflects the code that never dies.
Jonathan Cooper
replied 2093d
Jonathan Cooper
Young Earth Creationism was labeled "heresy" CENTURIES BEFORE Darwin was even born. Don't take my word for it: listen to how James Ussher - in his own words - used to try to defend himself from the charge! Just an FYI.
Jonathan Cooper
The Origin and the End with James Ussher

The Origin
In his influential The Annals of the World, James Ussher included an introduction to the work itself, The Epistle to the Reader. That brief note establishes that people in the ancient world thought that calculating the age of the earth was beyond human reach.

Consider this excerpt from The Epistle to the Reader in The Annals of the World:
It is not strange that the heathen, who are totally ignorant of the Holy Bible, should despair of ever attaining to the knowledge of the world’s beginnings. Even among Christians, that most renowned chronographer Dionysius Petavius, when asked his opinion concerning the creation of the world and the number of years from creation down to us, made this disclaimer:
“The number of years from the beginning of the world to our time cannot be known, nor in any way found out, without divine revelation.” {Petravius, De Doctrina Temporum, l. 9. c. 2.}
Philastrius Brixiensis agreed with him and called it...