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saved 1422d
He got his name because he was tricky. He arrived seeming very feeble so we took him in. Months later we'd catch him outside chasing things, jumping over tree limbs, but the moment he'd see us, he'd hobble over needing to lie down. Right then he had my ❤
saved 1422d
This is ODB (ol' dirty brown). He showed up at our doorstep old and tired, years ago, and lived out the last 2 years of his life with us. He was also a good boi.
saved 1422d
Yo @803, need some help! Ive been watching this star(?) for weeks now. Sky Map says its Capella. To naked eye, it blinks and flashes colors. Looked thru the telescope and swear it looks like a disco ball actively changing colors. Supernova? Any deets?
saved 1422d
This is a very good boi, waiting patiently on his Barkbox 🐶
saved 1423d
saved 1423d
Oregon writes the US a rx
saved 1423d
Oh, Biden on tv lecturing us about wearing masks. Got it!
saved 1423d
I've effectively avoided the news for 36 hrs now. I'm almost scared to turn it on now. 🙈
saved 1425d
Cheers, bitches!
saved 1425d
I just read an article that pointed to 2000 as the year the public distrust of elections began. I remember it but still had my head up my ass to really pay attention. Maybe I should return to that positioning 😂
saved 1425d
Right. And they will continue to be. There are discrepancies in some of the numbers and idt Trump will just let it go. What they mean, nobody knows yet. lying if they say they do. Never had an election conducted like this before. Ppl gonna question it.
saved 1425d
I just saw an update to this with the caption "Electile Disfunction". God bless America 😂
saved 1425d
Idk who this is, but I actually thought this too. Around the same time, which was right after the Floyd protests erupted and covid was still escalating.
saved 1425d
I've already seen some but they say #notmypedophile. So, it has begun.
saved 1425d
The ONLY reason this is personal to me is my 8yr old son. He just started back to school 2 wks ago. He has behavioral issues that require a tight schedule and attention. He has suffered immensely over the last 9 mos. We are just starting to recover.
saved 1425d
This is the best representation of this election I've seen so far 🤣
saved 1425d
Is the Yuan still climbing?
saved 1425d
I agree on this too. There are forces at work other than Dems to destroy this country. And idk if this is fake ballots or how to explain this. It works both ways, adding and subtracting. I just know in GA and MI the discrepancy POTUS vs Senate votes is big
saved 1425d
This we can agree on. Any prez would have taken a debt hit with covid. But it was increasing pre covid. Worked out in the end without the pandemic? Idk. However, I think the collapse of the Yuan w early Trump lead then record gain w Biden speaks volumes.
saved 1426d
This is what I have been screaming about the Senate votes.
saved 1426d
We currently live in a constant state of fact checking and its becoming exhausting. Nothing can be agreed upon anymore, even the basics. On every issue somebody is lying and I'm tired of trying to figure out who.
saved 1426d
But why just on POTUS race? Never seen a mail in ballot but surely they are like in person where you can select for each race, right? And Dems lost house seats. Stark contrast. Why is this glaring discrepancy being ignored, esp by Dems blaming each other?
saved 1426d
If you're not indifferent about politicians, you've already lost.
saved 1426d
Nice profile pic! The world needs more Jims.
saved 1426d
I honestly assumed online dating wasnt truly about emotion anyway. I used to think some more reputable until my gf tried Match and found out dude was married 3 months into dating him.