
Joined Apr 18, 2018

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replied 2344d
I think there will be a split, we will see it in November.
replied 2344d
CSW and Coingeek do not have enough hashrate to mining the BitcoinSV chain and at the same time attack the BitcoinABC chain. That's assuming there's going to be a BitcoinSV chain.
replied 2344d
CSW lies. Open your eyes.
replied 2344d
Right, but I'll risk it. If I'm wrong, I'll lose money.
replied 2344d
It depends on nChain, if they are able to launch their node and pool in time, there will be split.
replied 2345d
I probably will sell my BSV in CoinEx at the time of the split.
followed topic Coinex 2345d
23 countries, 15 languages and much more coming....

Roger Ver debates Charlie Lee on the lightning network.

Make sure you are subscribed the full unedited debate will be released in a couple days.
voted No 2352d
created poll 2356d
Is abortion murder?
Yes 3 votes · 0 satoshis
No 16 votes · 0 satoshis


voted Electron Cash 2352d
created poll 2360d
Which BCH wallet do you use?
Electron Cash 19 votes (18 unique) · 550 satoshis 28 votes (26 unique) · 1,146 satoshis
Handcash 6 votes (5 unique) · 0 satoshis 0 votes (0 unique) · 0 satoshis
Coinbase 1 votes (1 unique) · 0 satoshis
Jaxx 0 votes (0 unique) · 0 satoshis
Bitcoin Cash wallet 1 votes (1 unique) · 600 satoshis
other (indicate in reply) 10 votes (10 unique) · 600 satoshis


Memo Challenge!
Memo just passed 3,800 users! Everyone makes 20 memo interactions per day that would be 76,000 #BCH Transactions daily! Make a post, comment on a post, like a post. Let’s make Memo Transaction Waves!
The only Core client just had a disastrous bug that many thought impossible revealed, and these are the top posts on r/bitcoin. The dogecoin sub has better content.
2359d · Ikasnabar
Certificación - Ziurtagiria - Certification, congreso de EdTech Ikasnabar 2018, EHU, Leioa, 5-7 septiembre. JAVIER ORTEGA CONDE. Asistencia: 8 horas.
Excellent work on the hashtag feature #memo team!
Wow #hashtags are finally here. Awesome!
Oh shit, where the hell did I leave my corporation ID?... (note: home miners use mining pools) #CSWParody
replied 2363d
It is only a kind of salt to avoid potential hash attacks using dictionaries. Paranoid mode. 😅
2364d · Hidden Future Predictions
White Men Are people two: The hash was for this prediction: "I am going to reveal my future prediction soon."
2364d · Hidden Future Predictions
SHA256 is probably overkill for a hash, but it is more fun to use it as we are on a SHA256 coin;P
2363d · Hidden Future Predictions
SHA256(‘I hope someone writes a memo in the topic "Hidden Future Predictions" within 30 days from now. #PADDING-FM7V29083Afms’) = 5b4e101ff4039d8633...85df8e8bba45770880c9b8
2363d · Hidden Future Predictions
My first hidden future prediction has been fulfilled 😄
followed topic Hidden Future Predictions 2364d
2364d · Hidden Future Predictions
My first hidden future prediction inside this topic: 5b4e101ff4039d8633f0cff7acf75aa2a2bdbf90db85df8e8bba45770880c9b8