
Joined Jun 17, 2018

Director at Blockchain Ventures (Coin Dance | PayButton | Blockchain Poker)

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set profile 1860d
Director at Blockchain Ventures (Coin Dance | PayButton | Blockchain Poker)
sent · 546 sats 1960d
Hey key us know if you'd like to continue supporting Coin Dance!

We can send you a renewal link off chain if you'd like to (can be to an email).

Just let us know.
created 1,000,000,000 BVC tokens 2005d
replied 2393d
Hey Kain - the secret is what the app used to use before switching to user names, same as satoshidice used to work back in the day. There isn't much to worry about if you have a pswd.
followed 2404d
2410d · blockchain.poker
The lower player count has been intentional for the multi-year-long early beta. The player growth plan has only been going for about 3 weeks, just now reaching out to non-crypto community.
the one
You really should check out https://blockchain.poker/#cash for playing poker with ANY amount of bch YOU like, 0 conf enabled, 1 sat = 1 coin!
Any questions? Join the telegram group: https://t.me/blockchaindotpoker
followed topic blockchain.poker 2412d
2413d · blockchain.poker
Thanks we're working on it!
replied 2426d
Lil Windex
Sorry, we're working on it. This is a major focus for us for 2018.
set profile pic 2426d
set profile 2426d
Director at Blockchain Ventures (Coin Dance | Blockchain Poker)
set name to Klakurka 2426d
Hello World!

Proof of Identity: https://blockchain.ventures/memo.txt