That site kratomscience has a weekly podcast with host Brian Gallagher, lots of really good information and guest speakers, its completely destroyed my alcohol and cannabis consumption, really switched up my life, lots more researching to be done on others
No problem brother, appreciate the leniency on description 😅 basically i was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, depression, and other 'labels', given pharms. to deal with it, things got worse. Found kratom, fixed, began diggin' on alkaloids
Sorry my description is a bit flawed, i am forever a student in this area, can learn more each day and still not have a complete understanding or proper means to communicate what i believe i do know by the end of my life, as i tend to fuck it up lol
Different plants contain different alkaloids that have many psychological effects on our body chemistry. For instance, thc, cdb, cbh from cannabis, mitragynine, corynantheidine, 7-hydroxymitragynine from kratom, dmt from acacia, caffeine from coffee plant
Ive trained my circuits to function without alcohol, if bender can do it; you can too. Fuck commercialized alcohol being rammed down our throats thru advertisements, sports events, public functions, etc. Why do they legalize poison and push it on society?
Well its official, i hate consumer alcohol.. used to pound the beers, spirits, etc. In celebration and in mundane.. plant alkaloids have destroyed my alcoholic lifestyle, had a couple last night and it just reminded me how much i dislike the aftereffects
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Waking life is a dream.. in slow motion, as real as any dream is... just different areas of the brain, different chemicals and electrical signals firing... we fall for reality as much as we do dreams.. 💚