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created poll 1001d
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https://simpleicons.org/ 0 votes (0 unique) · 0 satoshis
https://twitter.com/uvhwuvhw/status/1541430686778683392?s=20&t=I5pA-IfaJ7vx-Qsb2NU2qA 4 votes (4 unique) · 0 satoshis
https://npmcharts.com/ 2 votes (2 unique) · 0 satoshis
https://secretbeachsolutions.com/orthoverse.html.txt 4 votes (4 unique) · 0 satoshis


"More node implementations.. competition are good for #Bitcoin.
.. #BitcoinSV project welcomes engagement from other implementation developer teams
that choose to support the consensus changes proposed by #BitcoinSV."
2171d · Bitcoin SV
The speculative 'Crypto' market is doomed. Give me real assets, real fundamentals, Scale, Utility, Security, and Stability. I support #BSV #BitcoinSV move the platform out of the toxic fraud markets. Talk fundamentals. I bet against ranters always.
2196d · Bitcoin SV
Countries should tokenize their currency on #BitcoinSV
2096d · Bitcoin SV
What I find interesting is, if you are into #BTC for the money and then you find out that #CraigisSatoshi and #BitcoinSV really does it all, you could 55x your coins right now by trading them for #BSV and the realization that when #BSV flips #BTC in 2020 the value is stunning.
2092d · Bitcoin SV
Why is the biggest flip in history coming? #BSV vs #BTC
Because #BSV is the Real Original #BitCoin and is the only Coin with massive on chain scaling to create a sustainable transaction based mining income. Miners are moving to #BSV money. #BitCoinSV rules and #craigissatoshi
Now you can do a live action video ad for only $5 in Bitcoin SV on Fivebucks ┗(°0°)┛#bitcoin #bitcoinsv #bitcoincash #bsv #bch https://fivebucks.com/listing/videoproud/do-a-20s-live-action-video-ad
2136d · Bitcoin SV
If you don't like the copyright and you think it is an infringement on your work then sue him. #BSV #BitcoinSV #BTC
replied 2097d
#BitcoinSV is the real and original #Bitcoin with massive on chain Scale, Utility, Security and a sustainable transaction based mining plan. oh...and... #CraigisSatoshi
First hackathon in Berlin for Bitcoin SV.

#BSV #Hackathon #Bitcoin #BitcoinSV

The first one will be a warm up, then it's on to bigger things!


2168d · Bitcoin SV
Wow! Reading this was like reading a history book. #BSV #BitcoinSV already solved this and so many other problems blockchain has been struggling with for ten years. BSV got there first... Oh it was the first, Oh it is Genesis https://www.coindesk.com/bitcoin-fees-jump-to-nearly-1-year-highs-but-why
2171d · Bitcoin SV
The crypto market has not yet realized what #BitcoinSV #BSV #Bitcoin #bitcoinsvnode has unleashed... There is some serious revamping of the marketplace going on. Rattling some cages and educating some folks. No more speculation just the fundamentals. Love it.
2172d · Bitcoin SV
No matter the evidence, if Craig doesn't fit a persons paradigm as Satoshi there is no changing that persons belief. They've created a psychic cage. I'm betting on the fundamentals of On Chain Scale Utility Stability Security real 'Proof in the Putting' #BSV #BitcoinSV #Bitcoin
Want to try out @_unwriter's newest gadget? DataPay! Adopted and built for #BitcoinSV #BSV. Post with minimal effort to the blockchain. https://unwriter.github.io/datapay/
Most of developers are developing on #BitcoinSV. And I'm one of them.
The future will speak for itself.
Christoph Bergmann
Great post of keyport.tv for the reasons to go with #bitcoinsv
#Bitcoin SV: A BCH Protocol for Satoshi Vision
BSV becoming own coin was a good thing, now the anti-government wackos can focus on ABC Coin and that Ponzi Scheme called BTC. #BitcoinSV #BSV #ChooseSV #WeChooseSV #nChain
🤑 478559 🤑
Happy 1st birthday #MeMo. #BitcoinSV #BSV is King. Comment or Love if you agree :)
If you don't know where you are going everything is in your way.
If you know where you are going nothing is in your way. #bitcoinSV #BSV #Bitcoin
The fair value of corporate / government issued cryptocurrencies is 0 USD.

The fair value of cryptocurrencies hijacked by corporations/governments is 0 USD.

#BitcoinCore #BitcoinSV
CSW is a larger then life character. He's got balls of steel and gives no fucks. Anti Craig Cult has nothing on him. institutional money and Metanet, checkmate haters! #BitcoinSV #BSV #ChooseSV
2125d · Bitcoin SV
The new economy:
Good information will cost the worst is free or not
Good brings you benefit bad be yours alone
Good rises bad is diminished
Power of We empowers Me
Inclusion or oblivion
Good Will Be Valued
#BSV #BitcoinSV #Bitcoin #WeChooseBSV
RT @amritabithi: All of my profile activity is now mirrored on the @BitcoinSVNode blockchain #BitcoinSV #bitcoin #BitcoinCash #datapay #BSV