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2458d · Bitcoin Core (BTCC) is real Bitcoin Cash, BCH is Bcash
#bitcoin #cash #btc #bch #blockstream
My new #Bitcoin #BCH #WordPress plugin Blurry Images. Automatically blur images on your blog to encourage users to tip. See a live demo here https://cashtippr.com/blurry-images/
#BTC #crypto adoption😃🤞
2325d · BCH Speculation
Dead cat or back to the Moon? #GartleyPattern or what? #Bitcoin #CryptoCurrency #BTC
replied 2359d
you can use #BTC, but you’ll lose your shorts. #RogerVer, thank you for all your work.
Will be interesting to see miners fund #BCH developers from #BTC rewards. Great way to drain funds from the legacy coin and funnel it towards real innovation instead of keeping it in the lambo hodlers eco- system.
2069d · Bitcoin SV
The biggest flip in history is coming. #BSV vs. #BTC
2072d · Bitcoin SV
What I find interesting is, if you are into #BTC for the money and then you find out that #CraigisSatoshi and #BitcoinSV really does it all, you could 55x your coins right now by trading them for #BSV and the realization that when #BSV flips #BTC in 2020 the value is stunning.
#BitcoinCash adoption in Brisbane Australia, is the highest in the world #Bitcoin #BCH #BTC #cryptocurrency
my #WordPress #BCH #MoneyButton plugin https://cashtippr.com/ is now available in the WordPress plugin store!😃
Insert tip buttons into posts with a shortcode, optionally hide text & more...
#crypto #BTC #Bitcoin
2068d · Bitcoin SV
Why is the biggest flip in history coming? #BSV vs #BTC
Because #BSV is the Real Original #BitCoin and is the only Coin with massive on chain scaling to create a sustainable transaction based mining income. Miners are moving to #BSV money. #BitCoinSV rules and #craigissatoshi
No one loves Bitcoin BTC like Samson Mow does.

#BCH #BTC #Bitcoin #BitcoinCash #Crypto #dailymemo
How can they talk about money if they pay $1 every time they make a payment? #BTC #dailymemo
2337d · Bitcoin Cash
? ..#Litecoin Charlie Lee took his time to explain, how #Bitcoin and Lightning Network (LN) relate to so-called #Satoshi's vision, the original concept of #BTC.. https://tinyurl.com/yb4ly3d6
Traded the last of my #BitcoinCore #BTC for #BitcoinCash #BCH this week. I really love the development that is happening in the Bitcoin Cash community. From Cointext, MEMO, MoneyButton + MORE! The future is exciting!
There can be no friendship between #BTC and #BCH. Two chains are slowing further adoption as they bring confusion. Users don't care, they want simple. Miner will probably eventually have to decide which chain to kill.
BCH Cash Shuffle Stats #Privacy #BCH #BTC #Dailymemo
For more info: https://stats.devzero.be/#/
2111d · Bitcoin SV
If you don't like the copyright and you think it is an infringement on your work then sue him. #BSV #BitcoinSV #BTC
Big ignorance in #BTC community is that billions dollars industry with tens thousands of jobs will blindly follow a shortsighted technocracy rule from a small centralised group of developers with no skin in the game.
2295d · Bitcoin Cash
LOL. #BTC trasaction fees are up again - "The fastest and cheapest transaction fee is currently 54 satoshis/byte, shown ...." #WTF! few h ago it was 13 sat/b
replied 2338d
correction: about half a million USD :) or 70 #BTC
On chain transactions in 24h #BTC vs #BCH

BCH transactions: ~550k with fee per block 0.02

BTC transactions: ~230k with fee per block 0.17


Scalability test for dummies.
2068d · Bitcoin SV
If I was #BTC right now I would seriously be considering hedging my #BTC position by trading 15% of my stash into #BSV coin. The reason is the sustainable model based in high volume transactions in massive blocks. Miners are already shifting to #BSV money. Don't miss the #Flip
2074d · Bitcoin SV
Is #BTC safe now?
Anyone out there?

Note: #BTC can not scale. It has no utility. It does nothing.

However #BSV is the real original #Bitcoin with massive on chain Scale, Utility, Security and a sustainable transaction based mining plan. oh...and... #CraigisSatoshi
2106d · Bitcoin SV
BTC Pyrite Coin. Without Scale #BTC is dead. Scale, Utility, Security only with the original #Bitcoin #BSV
cashtippr.com #WordPress plugin update. Now every #WP author can set his own #Bitcoin #BCH address to receive tips for his posts directly. #crypto #BTC #webdevelopment 😃 #MoneyButton