#Traders start actually using your #crypto! Less than 5% of all WolfBot.org #trading#bot orders have been paid with #BTC, #ETH, #BCH, #XRP,... To change that: 30% discount til Wednesday when paying with #crypto
BCH already crashed - now it's time for BTC to crash
It did, & #BCH#LTC followed. If you look at the bigger picture, #BTC lows are still bouncing off that diagonal support level and moving up. It has not crashed trough that "line" yet
@WhalePanda @SatoshiLite and all other #BTC#LTC#CultOfCore#BitcoinCore fanboys, when replying to their posts, automatically banned from twitter. Censorship at its finest. #BCH#BitcoinCash has been my Bitcoin ;)
Roger Ver continues to spread Bitcoin Cash in Korea! He was asked a difficult question by a journalist - does Bitcoin Have intrinsic value?
The first #video where Roger Ver does not spread any future #BCH expectations & he does not mention #BTC. He showed some nice #paperwallet instructions which can be reused in meetups.
#BCH#DASH & #BTC can co-exist peacefully so we as the users have the maximum of benefits. We as the users can easily hold all these coins while each team pushes harder for our interests to become number one.
Hey Hey Hey, you lucky ponzi game lovers, new on the market:
#BitcoinHEX - BitcoinHEX is an Ethereum token where you must sign some centralized statement, telling the World how much #BTC you own. Can lightning hot wallets get free Bitcoin HEX?
I'm currently selling BTCUSD.co on eBay - https://www.ebay.com/itm/192746838392 If you are interested in buying this domain please make a bid. There is no reserve on this auction and the price is currently $1.25. #BTC
Is this the top? That the top? Have they stopped pumping it with Tethers? The gambling of #BTC It does NOT scale Has no utility Value until it crashes Thats not investing it is gambling However #BSV has Massive Scale and Utility
Have you seen this Bitcoin Transaction Live Visualizer? See Bitcoin Cash #BCH and Bitcoin Core #BTC transactions get on the bus! --> https://txstreet.com/
Just the knowledge of Bitcoin Cash is worth a ton of money. Earn fiat, convert to BCH, spend, replace with more. In 5 years you'll have more money than you'll know what to do with.
Did the ride up with #btc and traded what I had for #bch near the top of massive run. I woke up discouraged this morning, and I’m losing faith, so I’m thinking you are right.
StopHunter #bitcoin#trading strategy added to WolfBot.org a strategy that looks for high volume long-tail candles against the current #market trend (stop-loss hunts) and trades with the trend #btc#bch