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replied 2357d
Are you retarded, ED? Maybe you should go and see a specialist. There are few good ones in North Korea and Venezuela. Too far? Go to #Cuba. They will take good care of you.
US Now Claims Tanker Crew "Detained" By Iran, Graham Calls For Venezuela Invasion & Path To Persia
#Iran #Psyop #TankerAttack #LindseyGraham #Venezuela #Cuba #GulfOfOman #SaudiArabia
US Fails Another Venezuela Coup Attempt & 50,000 Palestinian Kids Imprisoned By Israel Since1967
#Venezuela #RegimeChange #USForeignPolicy #Russia #China #Cuba #Israel #Palestine #Syria
2 Dead As US Forces "Aid" Into Venezuela, US Accused Of False Flag Prep & WH Says US Stays In Syria
#Venezuela #RegimeChange #FalseFlag #Brazil #ElliottAbrams #Cuba #HumanitarianAid #Syria
US Executes Planned Venezuela Violence, Pompeo Says Cuba, Nicaragua Next & US Doubles Syria Troops
#Venezuela #Cuba #Nicaragua #Pompeo #USForeignPolicy #Haiti #Syria #YellowVests
US Envoy Says Israel Has 'Right' To Annex West Bank, "New" Afghan ISIS Threat & Stewart's 9/11 Plea
#Israel #Palestine #WestBank #JonStewart #September11th #Cuba #Afghanistan #ISIS
UAE Rejects US "Proof" Of Iran Guilt, MEK Caught Admitting Iran False Flag & Google Admits Meddling
#Iran #FalseFlag #UAE #MEK #Google #Censorship #2020 #JCPOA #Russia #Cuba #Venezuela