Spent my day on my Samsung Watch BCH app. CashAccount integration, address monitoring, receipt notifications, and building in vibration and audio alerts. Hashrate and fees coming soon. #dailymemo
Interviewed a super interesting Serbian developer today. So incredible to hear how excited people from all over the world get about using Bitcoin as cash. #dailymemo
I believe there is no other community like BCH, so I just joined a bunch of cryptocurrency subreddits to test my hypothesis. Let's see what I discover. #dailymemo
Had an amazing Sunday. Designed and built a new watch face for Samsung Galaxy watch that allows you to easily check the time and prices. Showed it to our new CEO and he's a huge fan. Will share more soon. #dailymemo
I tend to focus on the negative, that which I don't have. But if I really think about it, I should consider myself lucky, I've had so many close calls, fractions of an inch or a second from ruining my life. #dailymemo
I tend to focus on the negative, the things I don't have, but I've had so many close calls, so many moments that could have gone another way if not for a fraction of an inch, or a second. Lucky. #dailymemo
Change. It's a powerful and invigorating thing. While there's always some trepidation, I remain optimistic on the end goal. Exciting times ahead. #dailymemo
Love finding friendly faces on https://local.bitcoin.com/r/maple to trade with. Makes trading a little more easy when you know them from Memo or Twitter or telegram. #dailymemo 👌
It seems that many people would rather give away trust than care about privacy and immutability. We're not in a war against other coins or even USD. We're in a war of convenience. #dailymemo