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@Dashpay loosing a big amount of masternodes. By the trend they should be at 5200, currently 4605 and dropping ๐Ÿ˜ฑ #Dash #masternodes #exodus
Whenever I see @dashcrypto pissing on @dashpay it reminds me on how important it is to do the opposite. THANKS BRO this clearly raises the general level of consciousness and communication about #DASH
#Dash Platform will let you issue tokens like #BCH SLP tokens, but much improved. This may possibly include a โ€œstable tokenโ€: https://dashnews.org/my-big-takeaways-from-dash-core-team-q3-2019-conference-call/
A merchant who chooses to accept #bitcoin will have 0.1%-1% of sales in #BTC #BCH #DASH These coins he will accumulate slowly offer a nice ROI until he really needs to spend them in a few years. #realbitcoinclub
As #Bitmain is starting a 300 MW mining facility, how can we compete long term against these who produce their own #bitcoin #bch #btc ASICS? Is #DASH Proof of Service the answer? Is PoW doomed even GPU & RAM based?
Steven Zeiler
Directive: Open source Anypay Core and provide proprietary plugins plus support.

Anypay Core Dash becomes the best open source project in Dash.

@stevenzeiler @anypay

#dash #bsv #bch #gold

Announcement at DashConf
My dream was always to introduce the native Americans to #bitcoin & today it is happening! I will take part in a Ceremony of Yopo which contains 5-MEO-DMT & I will pay with #DASH #DASHTEXT See you in the next life :)
Hoy vamos a tomar una planta sagrada y pagarรฉ con #DASH al chamรกn!! Eso es la instrucciรณn que estoy viendo ahora mismo: Yopo DMT y chamanismo de los Paros:
*WATCH THIS* For all the open minded & truther, here comes the *REAL* bitcoin: #DASH adoption report from the REAL world in Venezuela:
replied 2082d
There are very few spots in the world that hav real adoption by normal users which are not geeks but really interested in using that new money: Venezuela & Thailand both ruled by #DASH
replied 2089d
This is an awesome experience for the community!!! They will realize that the society is not ready for #voluntarism ... #DASH is actually charging a fair 10% tax as mutual agreement!
#dash is way superior technology already, but #bitcoincash is investing so much in news and propaganda, that it is hard to realize
replied 2094d
#DASH is much more stable than #BCH as #BCH got pumped and dumped so many times to fuck everyone who is riding on the same horse as Roger Ver.. DASH incentivizes long term investment.
replied 2094d
There is a reason why #BTC has enormously grown while #BCH lost investors: #rogerkver has totally mismanaged the project #DASH is way superior P2P money with instandsend & chainlocks
replied 2135d
Really awesome map feature is that one which shows whenever the merchant had its latest customer paying with #BCH or #DASH check: http://map.anypay.global
Ian Freeman met Roger Ver: #BCH in #Tokyo vs #DASH in New Hampshire U.S.
replied 2136d
I spent #BCH & #DASH in Spain, Germany, France, Italy, Greece, Venezuela and I confirm it felt very bright. #bitcoin truly enables a free world. No exchange fees! Even discounts... Wtf
I bough a coffee for 3500 bolivars (350.000 satoshis in #DASH) today in Caracas #Venezuela!! They also accept #BCH & next time I will introduce him to http://ANYPAY.global so I will get 10% Cashback for each coffee!!!
Nuevo episodio de Amantes del Blockchain trayendo las noticias de varias monedas incluyendo #Waves, #Dash, #Paccoin y #Horizen. Sintonizanos en #DTube
replied 2371d
You incentivize people to take part in #DASH by paying them money which is taken from the miners. It would be voluntarily if the miners could choose how much tax they want to pay.
replied 2372d
I see it from the perspective that we need voluntary actions from the #BCH stakeholders to grow the network. While #DASH doesnt need that as it sponsors its marketing from the treasury
The main difference between #BCH and #DASH is that BCH is based on #voluntarism while DASH is based on #taxation. I believe that both systems will work in parallel, because we have people with different mindsets.