Whenever I see @dashcrypto pissing on @dashpay it reminds me on how important it is to do the opposite. THANKS BRO this clearly raises the general level of consciousness and communication about #DASH
A merchant who chooses to accept #bitcoin will have 0.1%-1% of sales in #BTC#BCH#DASH These coins he will accumulate slowly offer a nice ROI until he really needs to spend them in a few years. #realbitcoinclub
As #Bitmain is starting a 300 MW mining facility, how can we compete long term against these who produce their own #bitcoin#bch#btc ASICS? Is #DASH Proof of Service the answer? Is PoW doomed even GPU & RAM based?
My dream was always to introduce the native Americans to #bitcoin & today it is happening! I will take part in a Ceremony of Yopo which contains 5-MEO-DMT & I will pay with #DASH#DASHTEXT See you in the next life :)
Hoy vamos a tomar una planta sagrada y pagarรฉ con #DASH al chamรกn!! Eso es la instrucciรณn que estoy viendo ahora mismo: Yopo DMT y chamanismo de los Paros:
There are very few spots in the world that hav real adoption by normal users which are not geeks but really interested in using that new money: Venezuela & Thailand both ruled by #DASH
This is an awesome experience for the community!!! They will realize that the society is not ready for #voluntarism ... #DASH is actually charging a fair 10% tax as mutual agreement!
#DASH is much more stable than #BCH as #BCH got pumped and dumped so many times to fuck everyone who is riding on the same horse as Roger Ver.. DASH incentivizes long term investment.
There is a reason why #BTC has enormously grown while #BCH lost investors: #rogerkver has totally mismanaged the project #DASH is way superior P2P money with instandsend & chainlocks
Really awesome map feature is that one which shows whenever the merchant had its latest customer paying with #BCH or #DASH check: http://map.anypay.global
I spent #BCH & #DASH in Spain, Germany, France, Italy, Greece, Venezuela and I confirm it felt very bright. #bitcoin truly enables a free world. No exchange fees! Even discounts... Wtf
I bough a coffee for 3500 bolivars (350.000 satoshis in #DASH) today in Caracas #Venezuela!! They also accept #BCH & next time I will introduce him to http://ANYPAY.global so I will get 10% Cashback for each coffee!!!
In Venezuela etc. Websites like discoverDash.org which list over 3300+ IRL businesses that accept Dash, 1500+ in Ven. That is real life adoption all voluntary! Not sure what you mean..
You incentivize people to take part in #DASH by paying them money which is taken from the miners. It would be voluntarily if the miners could choose how much tax they want to pay.
That's not accurate. There is no 'tax' in Dash. Everything is voluntary and the money comes from the block reward. Unless you consider paying miners also a 'tax'.
I see it from the perspective that we need voluntary actions from the #BCH stakeholders to grow the network. While #DASH doesnt need that as it sponsors its marketing from the treasury
The main difference between #BCH and #DASH is that BCH is based on #voluntarism while DASH is based on #taxation. I believe that both systems will work in parallel, because we have people with different mindsets.