But I'm doing one last push to get make the fundraiser a success because I'm past out of time and our family is near homelessness.
#helpJkid #Autism #bchforeveryone
The fundraiser was stalled at .3 BCH mostly because I could not had the time to promote it due to things beyond my control.
#helpJkid #Autism #bchforeveryone
But I'm doing one last push to get make the fundraiser a success because I'm past out of time and our family is near homelessness.
and I have to constantly help my parents with chores and household stuff, and actively job seeking. But sadly, I'm out of time.
#helpJkid #Autism #bchforeveryone
My minimum goal is 14 BCH, but my optimum goal is BCH the equivalent of 100,000 USD
Good afternoon my name is Ndee "Jkid" Okeh, I've a on and off contributor on yours.org. I've been planning to do weekly bitcoin articles but sadly I can't logistically do it anymore. #helpJkid #Autism
I have plans to post two articles: One on the developments on Cyprus and the other on Bitcoin Independence Day.
Good afternoon my name is Ndee "Jkid" Okeh, I've a on and off contributor on yours.org. I've been planning to do weekly bitcoin articles but sadly I can't logistically do it anymore. #helpJkid#Autism