1.Jia Yueting (let me lost 150000RMB in LETV stock investment) - 10% 2.BCX founding team (investment in BCX makes me lose 100000RMB) - 15% 3.Boss of my company (promised bonus not given) - 2% 4.The boy who hit me in primary school - 100usd 5.Broken hard disk in 2011,let me lose many data of memoriy - 500usd 6.Ex-girlfriend, who let me lose job of high-income(I was wrong too) - 100usd 7.Housing loans put a lot of pressure on me. - 10% 8.Donald Trump who make the world a mess - 5% 9.Regret not buying a house earlier - 10% 10.High school teacher(Let me make a fool of myself in public) - 1% 11.School security(I was caught playing games in the Internet bar) - 1% 12.Colleague of my company(I don't like it, but I have to work together) - 100usd 13.Speech on public(It makes me nervous and speechless) - 5% 14.Macbookpro(The price is too high). - 1000usd 15.Eating squid - 2% 1...
-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- its wery difficult time
Sorry I wrond, but now i corrected the signature
#hmwyda wishlist 1.1 Мохов, Виктор Васильевич, маньяк - 60 $ 1.1 Mokhov, Viktor Vasilievich, maniac. 1.1 More info:https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Мохов_Виктор_Васильевич 1.2 Майкл Гордон Питерсон.Убийца и вор. – 80 $ 1.2 Michael Gordon Peterson, Murderer and Thief. 1.2 More info: https://knews.kg/2020/09/10/samyj-opasnyj-zaklyuchennyj-anglii-pod-psevdonimom-charlz-bronson/. 1.3 Эдуардо Равело. Наркоторговец. – 58 $ 1.3 Eduardo Ravelo. Drug dealer. 1.3 More info: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Равело_Эдуардо 1.4 Виктор Мохов Скопинский Маньяк. Держал в плену двух девушек 3,5 года и насиловал их. В этом году его выпустили из тюрьмы. – 90$ 1.4 Victor Mokhov Skopinsky maniac. He kept in captivity of two girls for 3.5 years and raped them. This year he was released from prison. 1.4 More info: https://tvrain.ru/teleshow/zhenschiny_sverhu/skopinskij_manjak-526566/ 1.4 More info: ...