-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- #hmwyda wishlist: I spent a lot of time and nerves on this action. I hate those who paint on the walls and vandalize them. Link to my video: https://vimeo.com/536583391/a4c3813238
16YWcYpsGrC2tz2nCeJWrnBGuuHs9i9xt9 - 3.7 in your list (All Vandals. It means children who flood the walls of the city with their mediocre creativity, which is disgusting to look at, I hate giant and meaningless crooked drawings, as well as self-expression in the form of destruction) https://memo.sv/profile/16YWcYpsGrC2tz2nCeJWrnBGuuHs9i9xt9
I am waiting for donations from you, guys.
15ZhFcgZNNVU8S7b - I hope to get some motivation from you for future acts, thank you. I tried hard. -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 19jQgN9ay99xpMm2b8CnKSH5fNmGjRomii IN...
#hmwyda wishlist:
1. I hate Zheng Shuang. I'm irresponsible when I have a baby( https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1689210558365020260&wfr=spider&for=pc )
2. Hate he Jie. He talks too much. He once said that he would not marry if he was hurt, but he got married again. I feel that he is the Betrayer( https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1626782684682502345&wfr=spider&for=pc )
3. I hate angleboy. I don't feel very reliable. I have no ability. Why is it so popular( https://www.sohu.com/a/216523486_ 381922)
4. I hate Fan Bingbing. I feel like I can put it on( https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/2081128458988434108.html )
5. Hate Liu Yun, don't like her character, participate in the program is too stingy( https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%88%98%E8%8A%B8/21747?fr=aladdin )
6. People who hate tranquility and can pretend too much, and don't like to pretend( https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/431635133986351844.html?fr=iks&word...
-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- #hmwyda wishlist: Привет. Подготовил обновление. Hello. My update here.
1.1 Владимир Путин. Отвратительный человек. Отвратительный политик. Отвратительный президент. У власти он находится 20 лет. Один раз его заменял спящий на олимпиадах и заседаниях Дима Медведев. В США за это же время сменилось 5 разных президентов. Прогнила политическая система. Образовательная система разрушена. Жуткая пенсионная реформа. Перечислять можно бесконечно много. Немного цифр, начиная с первого года правления Путина: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Средний размер пенсии в РФ в 2000 году – 823 рубля (29,6 USD) Средний размер пенсии в РФ в 2010 году – 7599 рублей (249,3 USD) Средний размер пенсии в РФ в 2021 году – 16789 рублей (233 USD) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Средняя зарплата в РФ в 2000 году – 1200 р...
Imagine, you've just heard in the news that something bad happened, but you like it because you hate affected object or person. Some time later, you found a video where you can see that the author of the video is exactly the person or team who did the action. And you noticed an address for donations is present directly in the video (i.e. not added while editing, but captured by camera at the moment of action).
Invent at least 30 such objects/persons, and publish signed list with concrete amounts, or with percents of available amount (e.g. you have $100 and you hate it so much that you're ready to donate $90 i.e. 90%, or not so much - 20%) Something like this: ---- #hmwyda wishlist:
car #123-abc - $100 house at City Street 123 - $200 building at 12.345-67.890 - $300 site xxxxxxxxxx.com - 0.01 BTC company Xyz Inc Ltd - 0.02 BTC organization Union of Zyx-s - 0.03 BTC Joe Biden - 10% 习近平 - 20% Владимир Путин - 30% any member/boss of Abc gang - 40%/50% any officer/chief of Cba ...
-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- Привет. Нашел информацию об этой группе #hmwyda в телеграмм-канале https://t.me/KladovkaPavlu/1114 Hello. Found information about this group #hmwyda in the telegram channel.
1. Александр Лукашенко Складывается ощущение, что из года в год он пытается изничтожить все население страны. Бороться с этим у нас уже просто не осталось сил. Все, что он сейчас творит с нашей страной с помощью своего поехавшего дружка Путина похоже на какой-то страшный сон. Alexander Lukashenko I get the feeling that from year to year he is trying to exterminate the entire population of the country. We just don't have the strength to fight it. Everything that he does with our country with the help of his friend Putin, looks like some kind of nightmare. https://be.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%90%D0%BB%D1%8F%D0%BA%D1%81%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B4%D1%80_%D0%A0%D1%8B%D0%B3%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B2%D1%96%D1%87_%D0%9B%D1%83%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%88%D1%8D%D...
-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- I hate you too! #hmwyda wishlist: 1CJaRL5dFC3gnvmU - also cheat, like all! And fool! Потому что заколебал! (becouse frazzle out) -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 1CRyL3f4ZBRxU9F4s2yax8SEzJAdUjENjp HP63jz+RZZMR5zDSfywCrthcIBsNHelB508lOE5ozBW4Ow3nD0mybPnH8/uw3XV3XzyvE+D88lSp6asbERsJQ78= -----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----
-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- #hmwyda wishlist:
¡Saludos desde Argentina nuevamente! Continúo mi lista. Greetings from Argentina again! I continue my list.
1. Moira Millán 8% 1. Mujer indígena camina hasta la capital para denunciar opresión estatal, violencia de género y “terricidio”. Me tienen harta estas feministas que se quejan constantemente, como si su papel fuera quejarse. 1. Indigenous woman walks to the capital to denounce state oppression, gender violence and “terricide”. I am fed up with these feminists who constantly complain, as if their role is to complain. 1. https://elpais.com/planeta-futuro/2021-07-23/moira-millan-la-guerrera-mapuche-que-defiende-a-su-pueblo-del-colonialismo.html
2. Rodrigo de Paul 5% 2. Jugador de la selección jugará en el Atlético de Madrid. No se que le ven a este señor. Ya está de salida, otros merecen la chance. 2. National player will play for Atlético de Madrid. I don't know what they see in this man. He is on his wa...