-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- Bulgarian wishlist. 30+30+30 PART1 #hmwyda wishlist: 1. Росен Плевнелиев е истинска подметка от обувките на Бойко Борисов, той е толкова мазен, че ми се гади само като го видя. Толкова е смотан, че се гордее с речта си за Нова година. 10% 1.2 Rosen Plevneliev is a real scum just as his fellow politician Boyko Borisov. He is so nasty that I get sick just by looking at him. That person feels proud about his New Years' speech when in reality he seems like a fool. 10% 1.3 https://www.dnes.bg/obshtestvo/2013/01/05/gordeia-se-s-rechta-si-na-nova-godina-otseche-plevneliev.176855,23
2. Още не мога да простя на правителството, а по-точно на дебелата крава Лиляна Павлова за поскъпването на винетките от 67лв на 97. Пътищата ни все още са в плачевно състояние, продължаваме да кърпим дупки както винаги. Наскоро се разбра, че наема жилище в Люксембург за почти 11 хиляди лева и кара чисто ново ауди. 12% 2.2 I still cannot forgive the government, more pre...
-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- part-2 #hmwyda wishlist: 1.11 Jose De Palafox is an atheist. 4% 1.11 Jose De Palafox es ateo. 1.11 https://twitter.com/JOSDEPALAFOX1 1.12 Ray Garcia makes up some horrible fantasy novels. 3% 1.12 Ray García se inventa unas novelas fantásticas horribles. 1.12 https://twitter.com/Rayoplateado 1.13 Tatxo Benet is a hypochondriac. 1% 1.13 Tatxo Benet es hipocondriaco. 1.13 https://twitter.com/BenetTatxo 1.14 Ana Salas Martinez gave her children to an orphanage. 1% 1.14 Ana Salas Martinez entregó a sus hijos a un orfanato. 1.14 https://www.facebook.com/ana.salasmartinez 1.15 CataLina Erauso Perez scares her workers. 1% 1.15 CataLina Erauso Perez asusta a sus trabajadores 1.15 https://www.facebook.com/catalina.erausoperez 1.16 Óscar Molina Sánchez beats his children. 1% 1.16 Óscar Molina Sánchez golpea a sus hijos. 1.16 https://www.facebook.com/oscaresmolina 1.17 Javi Moranchel is a braggart. 1% 1.17 Javi Moranchel es una fanfarrona. 1.17 https://www...
My dear friend. If you live in Russia, you have got more then 30 things to hate your life. Lets go: ---- #hmwyda wishlist:
1. Vladimir Putin - 5,2 BTC 2. Government - 0.2 BTC 3. Police - 0.2 BTC 4. Judges - 0.2 BTC 5. Roads - 0.2 BTC 6. Medical centers in Voronezh - 0.2 BTC 7. Pandemic - 0.2 BTC 8. Political repressions (Alex Navalny) - 0.2. BTC 9. Relatives from towns - 0.2 BTC 10. Hot dogs in the subway - 0.2 BTC 11. Fake russian Coca-cola - 0.5 BTC 12. Current Russian cosmonautics - 0.2 BTC 13. Russian internet (very slow, and isnt free (use tor)) - 0.2 BTC 14. Russian bears (very angry and dangerous) - 0.2 BTC 15. Neighbor (she lives behind the wall, works on a webcam, and her vibrator does not allows me to a sleep peacefully and invite guests) - 1.3 BTC !!! 16. Weather forecaster on TV - 0.2 BTC 17. Russian football team - 0.2 BTC 18. Russian celebrity - Olga Buzova - 1 BTC 19. Teachers at school ( always drink Vodka. Before and after work) - 0.2 BTC 20. Snow with rain one...
-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- #hmwyda wishlist: 1-1 April Benayoum n'a pas de racines françaises et ne doit pas participer à des concours de beauté représentant la France. 1-1 April Benayoum does not have French roots and should not participate in beauty contests representing France. 50EUR About: https://twitter.com/aprilbenayoum More inf.: https://www.algemeiner.com/2020/12/20/jewish-groups-local-politicians-voice-fury-over-vicious-antisemitic-social-media-attacks-on-french-beauty-queen/ _____ 1-2 Ana María Hidalgo Aleu. En raison du programme du maire pour la reconstruction des principales places de la ville, il est devenu impossible de se déplacer dans la ville en voiture. 1-2 Anne Hidalgo. Because of the mayor's program for the reconstruction of the main squares of the city, it became impossible to move around the city by car. 70EUR About: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne_Hidalgo _____ 1-3 Marlène Schiappa a simplifié la procédure d'obtention de passeports...
a.1. Boris Palmer ist der Bürgermeister der Stadt Tübingen. Schmutzige Beleidigungen anderer Nationalitäten, grob und trotzig mit ihnen gesprochen. Rassismus in den sozialen Medien fördern und die Idee in die Massen tragen. Es ist eine Schande für unser Land und bringt uns auf mehrere Ebenen tiefer, weil kein Land der Welt Fremdenfeindlichkeit und Diskriminierung unterstützt.
EUR 50
Boris Palmer is the mayor of the city of Tübingen. Dirty insults to other nationalities, spoken to them roughly and defiantly. Promote racism on social media and bring the idea to the masses. It is a shame for our country and it takes us to several levels deeper because no country in the world supports xenophobia and discrimination.
-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- #hmwyda wishlist: *************** Esta es mi lista debidamente corregida y actualizada después de 33 días. This is my list properly corrected and updated after 33 days. *************** 1-José Conrado Hernández * 699 EUR * a) José Conrado Hernández es un corrupto. Otorgó varios contratos municipales a una empresa de un miembro de su familia, desviando millones de las arcas municipales para llenarse el bolsillo de dinero. Estos ladrones dañan a personas como yo, que luchan por mejores trabajos y situaciones de la vida. Es el responsable de un gran sufrimiento para mi familia, me gustaría que sufriera mucho. b) José Conrado Hernández is a corrupt. He has given several municipal contracts to a company owned by a member of his family, diverting millions of municipal coffers to fill his pocket with money. These thieves harm people like me, who fight for better jobs and life situations. He is responsible for a great suffering for my family, I really w...