#lgbtq     ← All Tags

2370d · pol/ - Politically Incorrect
1 family picture & few degenerate perverts whos shitty genes are removed from the gene pool for good. #LGBTQ - every letter is a mental illness
replied 2368d
I did read the whole thing and there is not a single argument as for why #LGBTQ should not be considered as mental illness.
replied 2368d
I don't see any rational argument in your unstable bemotional outburst. As to be expected like any #LGBTQ shills.
replied 2370d
I’m sorry. Did you just say that #LGBTQ is a mental illness???
replied 2370d
> Did you just say that #LGBTQ is a mental illness???
Yes, it is. Do you know how the classifications got removed? It's a fascinating story of threats & bulling by aggressive perverts
replied 2367d
APA members got harassed by deranged pederast activist.
BTW, normalizing paedophilia is at full swing now. #LGBTQ - each letter is a mental disorder.
2368d · pol/ - Politically Incorrect
This man spent 52 thousand to look like the woman of your dreams!! https://gab.ai/Taqiyya-Taharrush/posts/35572903 #LGBTQ
replied 2367d
Too many numbers is enough for you to say "I won't believe it"? LOL. Those are all gov collected stats. Go look them up, and while you are at it, check out #LGBTQ "family" violence
replied 2368d
Everyone who doesn't want to fuck this guy is a transphobe! #LGBTQ
replied 2367d
What's the problem here? I don't see you having any problems with America bending over #LGBTQ minority forcing everyone in their fantasy delirium against the will of the majority.