#wormholecash     ← All Tags

#WormholeCash might be a pump and dump scam. You can't back coins with burned coins. CTOR is like a segwit knockoff.

Wu is way too aligned with BTC.

I don't like CSW but, he is not close with BTC. #BCH
Jihan Wu thinks Dr. Kreig Super Wrong (CSW) is controlled opposition. But is Deadal Nix and Wu going to save #BitcoinCash with #WormholeCash?

You can't back something with something you burned (destroyed)
come to life.

"We named this technical solution
Wormhole protocol,

and the original token in the protocol is named

Word's can't describe how asinine #WormHoleCash is. The only good from it, is that it will seal #BitcoinABC's fate and pretty much cost Nix/Shammah their careers.

#BCH #BitcoinCash #BCHpls
Can't prove CSW is rogue or enemy within #BCH. But the facts point to Jihan Wu. Why is he so heavily invested in mining for BTC if his heart is with #BitcoinCash? #WormholeCash was the tip of the iceberg.
#WormholeCash is DEAD on Arrival just like DEADal Nix and Shammah. Fucking rookies, go back to freelance programming.

#BitcoinCash #BCH #BCHpls

Wait after you last screw up, you'll be flipping hamburgers at Wendy's.
Looks like Deadal Nix getting kicked right into the WormHole. Then CSW takes a selfie afterwords.

#BCH #BCHpls #BitcoinCash #WormHoleCash #WHC