The #fuckingcapitalists who run the world don't want you to know that 9/11 was an inside job orchestrated for their benefit. Fuck them and their agenda of death terror and greed. They're exposed.
They are exposed by people making bold claimseithoit evidence? In reality the Truth Movement is expossed as a propaganda piece. There is zero evidence of an inside job.
SILENTISM ... you are STUPID. I told you this many times before and I have to say it again. Learn PHYSICS and get some common sense you moron or you can stay one of those brainwashed retards who will even believe that bullet can turn in mid air... you dumb fuck.
Some morons believe the government would never do terrible things to people.
Every piece of evidence contemporary testimony and the suspicious activity of government officials leads to only one conclusion, which is the government is fucking lying. Fuck you if you doubt it
When the truth deniers can present and cite evidence, videos and testimony that actually supports their "government is totally innocent" theory then maybe they'll be worth talking to.
I already did provide video evidence. Its further up. Thoroughly debunked the truthers claims on all three towers, the Pentagon, and flight 97. Truthers like to hide the evidence.
SILENTSAM is among the dumbest characters I've come across. Must be paid to write this shit.
911... 100% controlled demolition, Bush family involved, Saudi monarchy involve, Israel involved, that Jew who said "We decided to pull it" when talking about WTC7 involved... American military, CIA, FBI, all have corrupt scumbags in top of decision making being involved also. Only a dub fuck brainwashed morons don't see what is one of the most obvious conspiracies... and history... original US government documents have PLENTY of such conspiracies planed and conducted. SILENTSAM, you are disgrace on the human kind, your intelligence is among lowest... you might as well be a plant that learned how to write/type.
6 on 77: The Dulles Airport 9/11 Cover up [2017]
Those oPportuNistic Authoritarian fuCkbags (PNAC) wanted such an event, as their plan was deemed too slow "unless there were some catastrophic and catalyzing event, like a new Pearl Harbor."
ALL WARS are fabricated and based on LIES
Wow, SILENTSAM is pulling all the stops now. He even brought his "I once believed x, but now I don't" superargument, which he NEVER uses (except i.e. 4 days ago, scroll back and see)
He also uses other favorites like unfounded assertions, triggerwords ("conspiracy theory", "absurd" "myth"...), straw man arguments (connecting it to Flat Earth) and claims of earlier debunks
If all this does not convince us of his superiority, then nothing will
And after that, what's better than our very own self censorship champion dixnorkel telling us what is worthwhile arguing over? This is great stuff!
I mean it's not like 911 was both birthday and xmas for the PNAC guys, at almost exactly the right time for the unjust wars, or that "#911Thruth" topic naturally would cover inside job discussion
pnac documents said it was a key for their whole plan yes. I suppose I could have said that, but I don't fault myself for not always being 100% inclusive with all facts (I'd never finish talking)
"Most never hear the official story" lol. That I will not argue against, but only because it is obviously wrong, and I know what happens when I argue such things with YOU-SHOULD-BE-SILENT-SAM.
The rest is almost as bad argumentation. For example, he cannot know there is no god, nobody can.
Again, absolute logic failure. If someone in the audience wants to know what failure this was, ask, and I can explain. SILENTSAM is not honest, he is just trying to bait me into a mud fight