Topic - 2-legged cancer

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All about humanity...
The Chinese "Four pests campaign" should be adequate for a 1st post, it shows the inherent human values: overconfidence, greed, ignorance:
Its not human per say, that is the cancer. cancer is mindset of privatisation of things which weren't and never should be private, its the SYSTEM that is the cancer, not just human nature as truth is most humans are nowhere near as greedy and psychopathic as people who created and defend the systems we have, which they have bee using to manipulate mindset and society overall, and this is what the real cancer is, its entity which has polluted human mind through propaganda (Advertising, Religions, 2-side Politics, TV, Radio, and all other forms of Social media). And only way to cure this disease... IS TO REMOVE IT FULLY from society.
Same as with cancer cells in human body, the system which has polluted society (society is in a way a living organism also) for as long as it exists, it spreads and kills the host (society itself), and this is evident in how music, sports, culture, education, health... and politics with endless war mongering... has changed in CAPITALIST western society.. and has been expanding globally... and until this system is removed completely from all society, humanity will never have peace and fairness... and we will keep going into self destruction... and eventually whole society will die.
I get the cancer / virus metaphor for humans, we are using the world as a sort of host and our existence does kill of the other organisms at a high rate.
However, we are just another form of nature expressing itself, it is not like humans can make a lasting impression on earth, whatever we do will mostly create a vacuum for future evolution
From a non-human perspective there is nothing inherently evil or wrong about cancer, we conceptualize it as bad because it is contrary to what we value, but that is human values
Not like we know if life itself is a net negative, we assume it is a net good, but humanity being the kiss of death to the planet, which could on net be a good thing.
I once took a sustainability class during my undergraduate program where the professor told me one message to remember and take with me; “stop eating factory beef.”