Just for musing, it doesn't even have to be about technology. Like what if some civilizations evolved to read minds with each other, or into being or pure consciousness.
Or about some theoretical idea
guesses on number of years until the very first human is born off-earth?
Humans were born off-earth in the beginning... its blatantly obvious to any intelligent person we are definitely not from earth. 99% of the plant life on this planet inedible. why?
because being delicious isn't a plant's highest priority?
many plants are adapting to be less edible, grass has added more silicon and grazing animals got stronger teeth
what about a gravity wave machine that can act firther out before it acts close, like a FTL beam responding backwards, or a tachyon beam
An A.I. that uses the world's electrical grid as sensors and acts remotely as the head of board of director at many companies.
I'm waiting for onchain direct democracy. That's what I'm all about.
I'd love a one vote one bill with a knowledge based weighted vote assesment incorporated into the buzzword blockchain idea
the wave over the body medical scanner