Why CWS' twitter username is "ProfFaustus"?
If craig wright is truly a fraud with malicious intent, and not satoshi like some believe, why dont core trolls encourage the BCH community to continue endorsing him?
I always see trolls and bitcoin core supporters berate craig, calling him a "fraud". I'snt that something trolls and core would want, for craig to fuck up bitcoin cash. So why are they against him?
he sums up many reasons why people are mad at CSW, it's more then just trolls. Deadnal Nix and Peter R Ruzin are very anti-CSW but actually have to work with him (directly or indirectly)
Most of CSW enemies are actually in a BCH splinter group who wants to flush Craig out. They are strong enough to fork away if Dr. Wright stays. They already got two senior programmers onboard.
doesnt answer my question
CSW is a plagiarist, rude/hard to get along with, gets revenge on people calling him out for being wrong or expossing him. Patents plagiarised work and passes off as own to abuse copyrights.
It's confirmed he is a plagiarist btw read the papers myself from Peter R Ruzin's links.
Again, doesnt answer my question. I've hear all that stuff about craig and its not my concern rn. I just find cores stance very supicious. Why not encourage craig to fuck up the BCH chain?
I know hes done and said some retarded things, but i think there are bigger agendas at play here
Core see him as a major threat since CSW is a fraud and vulgarian with a Donald Trump like personality. They's rather unite with an enemy to take down a worst enemy. The enemy of my enemy is my friend
Core see him as a threat because he is a fraud? What is so threatening about him? Hes completely in bitcoin cash, nothing to do with core.
Do they think craig can actually lead BCH in a great direction, or how else is he a threat to core?
nice of you to devote your last 2 weeks on memo to csw topics
Some Core guys want to flush the frauds out of crypto. While others like Mow want CSW to destroy BCH.
Most my stuff is on twitter btw, memo is only for topics manly. Doesn't give me much traffice on random memos.
I've seen all the posts you & cryptoanarchist & cryptoanarcist47 (?) have been posting. this is like the 3rd or 4th topic?
Why are so many accounts dedicated to calling craig a fraud?
cryptoanarchist same guy, claims his first account was hacked.
yeah a bunch of CSW topics, figured I'd just let CryptoAnarchist finish his expose of that blockstream guy. Rather then interupt an interesting chain of information.
the Kleiman lawsuit will be interesting
@DashCunning the doc is very interesting. Looks like Dave's unexpected passing caused many issues to the Bitcoin project, CSW did not account for.
I have not paid attention to the CSW issue for a long, long time. I know he talked about suing people, and heard some loose rumors about failed attempts. Anyone want to fill me in on what has happened?
If that is for me, no I did not. Therefore I have no idea what you are saying. Can you elaborate or something?