Capitalists suck in every county.
Would be interesting to see the basic income pilot play out, but it was not Universal at all, they keep messing up the implementation for some reason by adopting failed welfare standards.
UBI means same amount paid out to all 18+ citizens no matter their disability, age, civilian status.
The pilot gave 40% extra to single people (compared to couples) and 35% extra to those with disability than a standard single. A single disabled person gets almost as much as a couple.
It opens up for potential fraud (which UBI does not) and it also incentives couples to split up, if there is additional UBI per child and that is higher for single single parents, game over.
I can not see how it would be politically possible to just give the same amount to everyone no questions asked and remove the already established payments.
But as long as everyone knows that everyone else gets 12k a year in UBI, and only that paid out, then it is possible to form communities where everyone knows what everyone else can contribute.
Imagine meeting someone of the opposite sex and if you get to together you lose 8k a year in payments, or a situation where an curable disability (future tech) can cause an economic yearly paycut.
Or if the payment for each child is larger for a single mother than a couple, in addition to having a larger single payout and a economic incentive to try to claim disability on top of it.
Which goes to the point that the welfare policies are not set up to create good incentives for family and community but the opposite, to make it so that people economically benefit from splitting.
yeah it's well intentioned to give different groups more but as usual creates more problems
It is very rare to meet a person arguing for UBI that does not argue against the Universal and Basic parts of it. Perverse incentives are almost always made based on good intentions and feelings.
Best compromise I have seen is to give it to all that do not have any social programs automatically, and let everyone else on social programs voluntarily opt into it while giving up their current.
The problem is not a financial or ethical one but political, if it is implemented the same way as welfare is today it is the worst of both worlds, but if faithfully implemented (Same to all) there
will be trade-offs, less incentive to work in aggregate and potentially higher velocity of money/a higher fixed inflation rate which can be accounted for as long as it is fixed year-by-year.
And it will make it possible for private, NGO, and local community charity room to flourish, it would also remove the control and conditions set by the state, more freedom for people to freely move.
Feels funny waiting for October 17th. going to be interesting to see things play out. I'm thinking of building a little shed to have my own four plants.
What do you think about legalizing other drugs than Marijuana?
Legalise everything, let adults buy quality-assured heroin and cocaine over the counter at CVS with clear mg dosage instructions on the box. Whatever the downside, it's better than the war on drugs.
I am in favour of no drugs being illegal. The legal route is very ineffective at dealing with addiction issues. Also it makes binging, and other related problems, much worse.
Also much more efficient in terms of costs and such for society.
So is Saudi Arabia still crying over being told it shouldn't put women in jail for asking to be treated like humans?
I knew a girl who stopped dating a guy because it turned out he was an Oilers fan, as was his family.