Anybody use a Chromebook? Chromebooks are the coolest piece of technology I've ever seen! I use a Samsung Chromebook Pro as my main laptop and it's fast and efficient. I can do whatever I need!
I have a shitty laptop, I would switch to Chrome except I feel I would miss physical memory / non online functionality that Chromebooks seem to be slowing (at least how I view them)
Chromebooks actually work offline in more ways than you think, many websites work offline now and modern Chromebooks can use Android apps now which work offline. Some even run Linux apps.
Chromebooks are great. Can make them into linux laptops using chrx
Chromebooks are very good the best types are the 2 in1
Not sure I have seen so many fans in one place. The fact it is a Linux box alwasy seems neat... if only I was better versed in Linux ;_;
@sherrykochmail Yes you can but a Linux VM will soon be on most Chromebooks so you'll have the best of both worlds. The flexibility of Linux with the security and simplicity of Chrome OS! :)
@CC Yeah I don't know if I like the 360 hinge ones or the detachables yet. I like my Chromebook Pro but it is pretty bulky as a tablet. I heard the HP Chromebook x2 (a detachable) is light.
Oops, sorry that last memo was meant for @mjsnje
@CC No need to know Linux to use them but it does help. ;)
This is so cool! I'm jealous it's not available on my Chromebook Pro yet!