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"That is what a reasonable neutral third party would call you I believe. Do you enjoy being thought of as a crook?" I do not react to his assistant's actions.
"There seems to be some trouble with the current transaction. I am unsure if this tab system works. I can give you the gold the item is worth, and let you square things with Grumsley."
"Business practices? This is a criminal racket. You do not enjoy the right to be thought of as a business. Explain yourself. Why do you do this to people? It is killing the town."
"With your fees I am uncertain I could afford the potion. I feel strange having left the shops I wished to purchase it from with the shop keeper refusing my gold."
"Of you would willingly accept this model, which So clearly endless your fraud and its associated economic destruction then you are complicit with criminals. Why not resist?"
"I believe there is a Better Coin Handling system. One which is fair and enables people to thrive, not be choked to death by fees."
"Clearly you have misgivings about this system. And you're clearly a mighty fighter not easily reckoned with. Use your strength for the good of others. Become a champion of the people.
It seems to me that you can take on an army and a half all by yourself, right fellows?"
"What can we say that isn't already spoken of by the dismal state of this place and its people?" I cover the map and my share. "Have courage and don't the right thing
"Have courage and do the right thing. If you want to fight, fight those that seek your criminal obedience."
I regard the assistant on my way out. "You will find Grumsley that you won't be alone."
"If I do not wish to pay the fees to Sheriff Mow then why should I want to support this tab system that pays fees to you?" I turn to leave to the general store to return the potion.
(Jist now noticed the potion had been included in the price.)
So when I turn to leave it is to follow Azulan, not to go back to the general store.
Yes I am eager to find where this mystery leads
Of course, it makes sense now.
This trek seems longer than any we've made so far. We should get moving as soon as we can.
I look to the ranger for advice and guidance for traveling through the woods. Can you make a shelter? Does anyone have a tent?
I have a bed roll I use when I can not find I place to stay."
"I don't know why but I have a strange feeling there will be lightning in this journey..."
"I suspect if we wish to stay at an Inn here may require us to see Grumsley about a tab."
I would rather not dwell in this place. It is run by criminals and we are increasingly likely to draw unnecessary conflict. I do however mention to passers that tabs are unneeded.
Are we still playing?
I hope so.
Would really like to continue this.
Who rules this dungeon?