Topic - GameDevs BCH

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/me is here looking for ideas.
On the other hand @alec, it doesn't sound like to hard of a job to implement a simple wallet and let the game listen to blockchaintransactions.
If games had ingame purchases in Bitcoin Cash there would still be an enforced fee to the platform, no platform would make it possible to skip their mandatory fees no matter the payment.
@excre it would depend upon the game and it's monitization strategy. If that is what the market wants (free flow of in-game assets), then they'll get it and pay elsewhere.
@Simon did you see the link to my post? I submitted a handfull of ideas, i would love for someone to review them.
@Kook I like the treasure hunt. Has a minecraft-ian openness/futility to it.
whohooo, my first review!
I think the majority of the work there would be in visual/technical assets to engage the player ... unless you went full minecraft.
I envisioned it in 2D, looking like "Fast Than Light". The treasure hunt shouldn't be the sole purpose, countering futility. Science-minigames and spaceship modules should be dynamic a part
KaeptnKook, thanks for the link. what can you do to move the ideas along? Treasure Hunter sounds like EVE. help them integrate crypto instead of their currency?
Or run a crypto to EVE currency exchange.
Can you organize these ideas into a slightly more technical white paper? Treasure Hunter just jumps in with talking about technical limitations of distributed MMOs.
Could your skills help the Neon District Team? Could you contact games in development to add a cryptocurrency backend? The Last Night? Cyberpunk 2077?
I am on to creating a more organized concept post. i didn't want to waste time on it, if nobody cares or liked it. As long as some people are interested in the idea i'm on to persuing this.
I don't think I can help any gamedev team. While I am full of concepts and examples, I'm no developer at all and I think a game studio wouldn't need me much more than on an internship basis
games, like memo, would be a good way to onboard people (like you said). in that sense it's valuable. you'll have to find someone with coding exp or use your skills on an in dev game.
Yet still, gamestudios tend to be damn slow for me as a customer. If it takes hardcore gaming fans to motivate people to create such interfaces between crypto and gaming, i'll do my best.
yeah, idk the space really
Yes, I'm starting with gathreing interested people to amplify my voice. We can use every skill for this, including interested endusers and even people, who are willing to invest in devs. i do!
you could still contact game devs & connect them with people here. surely there is a small independent dev who would try it. (e.g. if minecraft had BCH at the beginning)
not sure all that goes into a game, but could you do marketing or art design or manage BCH integration. even internship would help the game along.
2420d just another crypto-scavenging campaign! 50k in crypto PR Hunt for the new Robin Hood movie
Thinking about an online-card game called "The Longest Chain". Every card is a block from a Twitter persona. The longest "Block-Chain" wins.
You can combine cards for multiplied or nullifying effects. OG's being potent higher ranked cards, while lower ranked cards stack up.
2307d a “Minecraft on the blockchain”, stored 100% on Bitcoin Cash blockchain and served with Bitdb and Bitsocket.