Topic - Good conversations

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Topic dedicated to promote good, meaningful conversation. This includes discussing problems like spamming, filtering, lying, namecalling, dishonesty, offtopic talk and solutions to them
Real conversation is key to growth. It is largely an unsolved problem. I suppose we all know that moderators are sometimes welcome, but usually over time get oppressive.
I have long been toying with an idea of a powerful filtering system which allows some kind of filtering profiles which can be provided from outside a free platform.
I suppose in this topic especially, ignoring LR is necessary, otherwise it will just end in a silly battle. LR is the antithesis for good conversations
Or maybe more appropriate, note how a new topic with a rather bland set of comments was attacked without provocation by this "person". An apology is in order
Anyway, this is an example of a common problem with a few trolls messing up a conversation with much potential. It is nearly impossible to keep it civil through such attacks
You will just say anything to get a response, you don't really care at all. You are filled with lies, and have forgotten your own soul in your hatred against those who actually create
Seriously, when you incite violence, lie frequently and ignore truth, you are an unstable person who should seek professional help